Escaping A House

Author: Edgar
2 years ago

Riddle: A man is stuck in a blank house that is indestructible and has no openings that he could escape. All he has is a table and a mirror. How can he escape?
Answer: He looks into the mirror. He sees what he sees, he saw what he saw. He takes the saw out, and he cuts the table in half. Two halves make a whole, and he jumps into the hole and gets out.
A man is stuck in a blank house that is indestructible and has no openings that he could escape. All he has is a table and a mirror. How can he escape?
Escaping a House by Edgar v1.

Riddle: A man is stuck in a blank house that is indestructible and has no openings that he could escape. All he has is a table and a mirror. How can he escape? Answer: He looks into the mirror. He sees what he sees, he saw what he saw. He takes the saw out, and he cuts the table in half. Two halves make a whole, and he jumps into the hole and gets out.
by Edgar v2.