Riddle: What kind of dog has no tail?
Answer: A hot dog.
Riddle: Why does your immature attitude remind me of a toddler plate?
Answer: Child-dish
Riddle: What do you call a fly without wings?
Answer: A walk.  Another popular answer: A Zipper.
What is it Riddles
Riddle: What did the mountain climber name his son?
Answer: Cliff.
Riddle: What musical instrument would you use to catch a fish?
Answer: Castanets.
What is it Riddles
Riddle: What is large, yet never grows; has roots that cannot be seen; and is taller than trees?
Answer: A mountain.
Riddle: A word to the wise is sufficient. What is the contradictory proverb?
Answer: Talk is cheap.
What is it Riddles
Riddle: What do you call a fake Irish stone?
Answer: A Shamrock!
Riddle: I belong in a gallery, but add one letter I belong in a racetrack. What am I?
Answer: Kart.
Riddle: What starts with 'I', ends in 'Y', and once it grabs you, it never says goodbye?
Answer: Insanity.
Riddle: What do you call bidding for the highest rated cash vault?
Answer: A safe-bet.
Riddle: What gets bigger the more you take away?
Answer: A hole.
Riddle: What has two hands two arms but no feet?
Answer: A clock.
Riddle: The man who invented it doesn't want it, the man who buys it doesn't need it, and the man who uses it doesn't know it. What is it?
Answer: A Coffin.
Riddle: Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. What is the contradictory proverb?
Answer: Don't cross the bridge until you come to it.
Riddle: More haste less speed. What is the contradictory proverb?
Answer: Time waits for no man.
Riddle: Old Mother Twitchett had but one eye, and a long tail which she let fly; and every time she went through a gap, a bit of her tail she left in a trap. What is she?
Answer: A needle and thread.
Riddle: What do steel workers sing in the shower?
Answer: Heavy Metal.
Riddle: What can you catch but not throw?
Answer: A cold!
Riddle: A girl named Sadie was home alone one night. She wanted to relax after a long day instead of going to the movies. Her parents were really running late! So Sadie watched horror movie after horror movie after horror movie! But then she called 911 because she saw a man on her patio! Quickly the police came. They observed the whole house and the patio but their were no footsteps anywhere! Then, one cop found the answer to it all. What was it?
Answer: A man had broke into the house and hid behind the couch. The cop found footprints back there, and it was the mans reflection that Sadie saw.