Riddle: I am the water of life, but seeing too much of me is never good. I am what binds families together, but I can be defied. What am I?
Answer: Blood.
Riddle: You can't touch me nor see me, but I always pull you, keeping you heavy. When I am gone you will always float. What am I?
Answer: Gravity.
Riddle: Look at me I want to play. I'll move like you in every way. Be tricky, but the result is always a draw. Why? Because I'm an expert at response and call. Be tricky, but the result is always What am I?
Answer: Your Reflection!
What Am I Riddles
Riddle: I am in a Tiny word. If you remove me I become metal. What am I?
Answer: The letter Y. Remove the letter "y" from the word "tiny" and you get the word "tin" which is made from metal.
Riddle: I have 3 eyes. When the red one opens everything freezes until another one opens again. What am I?
Answer: Stoplight.
What Am I Riddles
Riddle: Some people see me to be linear, to others I'm not. I'm always marching forward and can never stop. I watch you in your days until we have to part ways. What am I ?
Answer: Time.
Riddle: I can be half without getting thinner. I can shine with no fire. I can be hidden but never taken. I can stay dry while moving the ocean. What am I?
Answer: The Moon.
What Am I Riddles
Riddle: I can't t hurt you, but I can leave you with scars. Nobody wants me, but everyone has me. But you are the only one who can see me. What am I?
Answer: Nightmares.
Riddle: I look like you, but I am not you. You can blow me up or find me in a wallet. Share me or frame me, both are nice. What am I?
Answer: Your picture!
Riddle: Bright as diamonds, Loud as thunder, Never still, A thing of wonder. What am I?
Answer: A Waterfall.
Riddle: I am passed from person to person but no hands are needed. I often change in this exchange. Always changing never remaining the same. What am l?
Answer: A rumour.
Riddle: If you're tired and cold, I'll cover you gently, but it won't be warm, it will be deadly. What am I?
Answer: Snow.
Riddle: I have legs but walk not, a strong back but work not, two good arms but reach not, a seat but sit and tarry not. What am I?
Answer: An Armchair.
Riddle: I go up and never come down no matter how hard you wish. As I get higher, more wrinkles crawl onto the face. What am I?
Answer: Age.
Riddle: I am aspired by all, yet hard to find. You can search endlessly, but have little peace of mind. What am I?
Answer: Happiness.
Riddle: I am in your eye. I am a school child. I am a word of five. What am I?
Answer: Pupil.
Riddle: When you stop and look, you can always see me. If you try to touch you cannot feel me. I cannot move, but as you near me, I will move away from you. What am I?
Answer: I am the horizon.
Riddle: My teeth are sharp, my back is straight, to cut things up it is my fate. What am I?
Answer: A Saw.
Riddle: Everyone has me, Everyone needs me; When some people see me, They end up quite queasy. What am I?
Answer: I am Blood.
Riddle: I'm first on earth, second in heaven, I appear twice in a week, and once in a year, I'm in the middle of the Sea. What am I?
Answer: The letter E.