River To The City

Author: kfihichiuiubxeiab
3 years ago

Riddle: In the winter during a snowstorm, a river stood. A girl named Kelly had to cross a river accompanied by her father. Neither the father or Kelly couldn't swim. There isn't a bridge boat or any type of material to cross the river. The girl and her father managed to cross the river. How?
Answer: Don't you think rivers are frozen during the winter, ESPECIALLY during a snowstorm.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/9989
In the winter during a snowstorm, a river stood. A girl named Kelly had to cross a river accompanied by her father. Neither the father or Kelly couldn't swim. There isn't a bridge boat or any type of material to cross the river. The girl and her father managed to cross the river. How?
River to the City by kfihichiuiubxeiab v1.

Riddle: In the winter during a snowstorm, a river stood. A girl named Kelly had to cross a river accompanied by her father. Neither the father or Kelly couldn't swim. There isn't a bridge boat or any type of material to cross the river. The girl and her father managed to cross the river. How? Answer: Don't you think rivers are frozen during the winter, ESPECIALLY during a snowstorm.
by kfihichiuiubxeiab v2.