Money's Been Gone???

Author: Annabellejada
5 years ago

Riddle: I have a dollar bill. It has the pin A123456789. It is the only bill in the universe with that pin. I put my dollar bill in my pocket. The person next to me somehow gets a bill with the same pin. A123456789. How is this possible?
Answer: The dollar bill is a different number Mine is a 10 his is a 1
I have a dollar bill. It has the pin A123456789. It is the only bill in the universe with that pin. I put my dollar bill in my pocket. The person next to me somehow gets a bill with the same pin. A123456789. How is this possible?
Money's been gone??? by Annabellejada v1.

Riddle: I have a dollar bill. It has the pin A123456789. It is the only bill in the universe with that pin. I put my dollar bill in my pocket. The person next to me somehow gets a bill with the same pin. A123456789. How is this possible? Answer: The dollar bill is a different number Mine is a 10 his is a 1
by Annabellejada v2.