Feeling Better

Author: Malachi Muhammad
5 years ago

Riddle: You blow me away, but you never let go. You put me here and there, somewhere. I am light as a feather, but very disgusting, And once I let go, I'll let you sing. What am I?
Answer: A tissue.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/7075
You blow me away, but you never let go. You put me here and there, somewhere. I am light as a feather, but very disgusting, And once I let go, I'll let you sing. What am I?
Feeling Better by Malachi Muhammad v1.

Riddle: You blow me away, but you never let go. You put me here and there, somewhere. I am light as a feather, but very disgusting, And once I let go, I'll let you sing. What am I? Answer: A tissue.
by Malachi Muhammad v2.