Sentence Making 1

Author: Moroyei Bayelsa Ebiakpo
6 years ago

Riddle: One day, a teacher asked her students to form a new sentence from: "This is a canine", without adding or removing a word or letter from it. All the students got it wrong except one of them who got it right. What sentence did he form?
Answer: The Sentence he formed is, "This is a can in e".
One day, a teacher asked her students to form a new sentence from: "This is a canine", without adding or removing a word or letter from it. All the students got it wrong except one of them who got it right. What sentence did he form?
Sentence making 1 by Moroyei Bayelsa Ebiakpo v1.

Riddle: One day, a teacher asked her students to form a new sentence from: "This is a canine", without adding or removing a word or letter from it. All the students got it wrong except one of them who got it right. What sentence did he form? Answer: The Sentence he formed is, "This is a can in e".
by Moroyei Bayelsa Ebiakpo v2.