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"Word" Riddles - Next 10 of 298.

Riddle: A bank was robbed in a large city. The police officers went to visit the main suspect-Mr. Michaels-who had been detained several times before. Mr Michaels said, "I've been feeling unwell all this week, and I haven't left my apartment for three days! Luckily, I didn't need food; my fridge is completely full. You can check for yourself,". Indeed, the man opened his fridge to prove his words, but the officers still arrested him. Why?
Answer: If Mr. Michaels had already been staying inside for three days, his fridge wouldn't be so full…simply because we need to EAT in order to survive. It's not likely that Mr. Michaels would be doing too well after not eating for three days.
Riddle: I lie in the earth, and under the ground; A map may reveal me for journey's abound; I can be found in squares, to reduce down to size; Or at the end of a strand, where attachment lies. What am I?
Answer: Roots
Riddle: My last five letters refer to a raised line on the surface of something; my whole refer to a thin tube containing ink inside a pen. My first three & four letters both refer to vehicles. I am a word of nine letters. What Word am I?
Answer: A Cartridge.
Riddle: The pen is mightier than the sword. What is the contradictory proverb?
Answer: Actions speak louder than words.
Riddle: Mr. Green, Mr. Brown, and Mr. Black meet up for coffee one Monday morning. Mr. Green says, "Hey, do you realize that we're all wearing shirts of colors that don't match our names?". The man wearing the brown shirt says, "Wow, Mr. Green, you're right"! What colored shirt is each man wearing?
Answer: Mr. Green cannot be wearing the green shirt, because his statement that all three men are wearing shirts that don't match their names is correct. And he cannot be wearing the brown shirt, because the man wearing the brown shirt replied to his words, and let's be honest–it doesn't make sense to reply to your OWN words, right? This means Mr. Green can only be wearing the black shirt. Mr. Brown can either be wearing a green or a black shirt. The black shirt is already taken, so Mr. Brown is wearing the green shirt. And Mr. Black is wearing the brown shirt.
Riddle: Mr. Martinez is a philosophy teacher at a prestigious university. One day, he places a pencil onto his desk and gives his students an assignment: to write a short essay on the following topic- why the pencil does not exist. The student with the most convincing argument would get an A, while everyone else would get a D. An hour later, all of the students handed in their papers; most of them filled up the front and back of their papers, but one boy wrote just two words and he got the A. What words did he write?
Answer: The boy wrote, "What pencil?".
Riddle: Cooper wakes up in a room and sees three piles of shattered glass; each pile contains a few shards of glass with letters on them. His task is to rearrange the piles of glass into words and find out which word doesn't belong. Can you unscramble these words and help Cooper out? CBNAO | PCEUCKA | VLEO
Answer: The three words are BACON, CUPCAKE, and LOVE. This riddle is open to many interpretations, so there are multiple answers. For example, BACON doesn't end with an E (unlike CUPCAKE and LOVE). However, CUPCAKE has three vowels (while BACON and LOVE have two each). On the other hand, LOVE is an emotion (while BACON and CUPCAKE are foods). No matter which word you pick, there is at least one reason for it being correct.
Riddle: Cid is a common toad. What is the anagrammed word?
Answer: Disaccommodation.
Riddle: Bind sure. What is the anagrammed word?
Answer: Burnside.
Riddle: Is it anger? no. What is the anagrammed word?
Answer: Resignation.