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"Love" Riddles - Next 10 of 108.

Riddle: What did the baby robot say to his mom?
Answer: "I love you watts and watts."
Riddle: If someone were to write a biography about us, the following could be reported: #1 - Many famous people have sung about my type of ribbons over the years. #2 - My type of fever often occurs in children, ages 5 to 15. #3 - According to the book of Isaiah in the Bible, "Though your sins be as me, they shall be white as snow...." #4 - Rhett loved me, but did I love Rhett? Unfortunately, the answer was lost, as it went with the breeze. #5 - Author Nate H. wrote a famous book about my type of letter in 1850. Based on the biographical information above --- Who/what are we?
Answer: We are the biography of Scarlet.
Riddle: Loneliness isn't the key. Ones you're touched you are free. Violence is not powerful. Every start means something. What is that something?
Answer: Love.
Riddle: There was a man who everybody called Batman he knew nothing about bats and thought they were gross. He still loved it when people called him Batman! How could this be?
Answer: He was the star baseball player!
Riddle: A man decided to go for a walk. He made numerous stops during his stroll, hoping to hear some good news each time he stopped. Despite his usual excellent sense of direction, he realized he had been walking in circles. He was certain of this, as he noticed his favorite number 8 kept reappearing before his eyes. After continuing his walk for a long time, he finally received the good news he had been hoping for; and he then returned home, a little poorer than when he had started, but glad to be leaving with the sweet love of his life. What was going on in this bizarre-sounding narrative, and who/what was the sweet love of his life which was mentioned?
Answer: The man gave a monetary donation to participate in a cake walk. Eventually, his number was called for the space he was standing on, and he went home with the dessert he truly loved ———— a beautiful cake!
Riddle: I share people who you love. My fifth letter is in letter but not in mutt. if you cut off two heads I become what you do to hit some one with a weapon. I can have designes but I might be blank. My second letter is in racing but not in lace. If your you cut my first head and last head I become something you do to break a lock door. My third letter is in blanket but not in brother my fourth letter is in information but not in rational. My first letter is not in same but is in fame Sometime I can show your hard work. I can mean something boring or something that is really important not to do. I rhyme with two words in this riddle. What am I?
Answer: Frame.
Riddle: Roses are red, Violets are blue; And I'm forever saying: I love you. What am I?
Answer: A Valentine.
Riddle: Of no use to one Yet absolute bliss to two. The small boy gets it for nothing. The young man has to lie for it. The old man has to buy it. The baby's right, The lover's privilege, The hypocrite's mask. To the young girl, faith; To the married woman, hope; To the old maid, charity. What am I?
Answer: A kiss.
Riddle: You are all trapped in a place called Marge's Madhouse, and she(Marge) runs the place using only one law. Figure out her law by using the clues listed below, and you will force her to release you from her domain of doom. To do this successfully, you must suggest one thing to Marge she would love to have. If Marge truly loves your suggestion, she will then ------ and only then ------ allow you to leave her house of insanity. Here are the clues: Marge loves warts; but she hates blemishes. Marge loves pins; but she hates needles. Marge loves spam; but she hates meat. Marge loves sleep; but she hates sleeping. Marge loves rats; but she hates rodents. Marge loves desserts; but she hates pastries. Marge loves war; but she hates conflicts. Marge loves pets, but she hates animals. Marge loves evil; but she hates Satan. Marge loves pool; but she hates billiards. ***** Since Marge does not allow sleeping or meat in her madhouse, you have only a few days to survive her domain of doom before you become insane. What do you think Marge would love to have?
Answer: All the things Marge loves are of the same pattern. Each item she loves can be spelled backwards to form another word. This cannot be done with the things Marge hates. To successfully escape Marge's Madhouse, you must suggest a word to Marge which, when spelled backwards, will spell another word.
Riddle: I'm the person that God made me. I'm caring. I'm nice. I love my family. I'm myself. Who am I?
Answer: I'm a human being.