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"Doctor" Riddles - Next 10 of 31.

Riddle: One knight, a pregnant lady, and a doctor walk into a hospital, the next morning three people walk out, who was the third person?
Answer: The knight.
Riddle: Why should a doctor never be seasick?
Answer: Because he is accustomed to see (sea) sickness.
Riddle: Who is thought to be odd and has a PhD?
Answer: Doctor Strange.
Riddle: What kind of Doctors are like spiders?
Answer: Spin Doctors.
Riddle: A criminal finds out that a doctor digs dead convicts out of their grave to examine their bodies. He figured this would be a great way to escape prison. When no one was looking, he runs to one of the dead convicts' coffin and sneaks in. About 30 minutes after getting buried, the criminal grew impatient. He grabbed a torch out of his pocket and lit it to see who was next to him. He looked to the side and screamed. Why does the criminal scream?
Answer: The doctor's corpse was next to him.
Riddle: What do you call a cab driver's skin doctor?
Answer: A taxidermatologist.
Riddle: What do you call an elephant's skin doctor?
Answer: A pachydermatologist!
Riddle: Two women and two doctors walk into an ice cream parlor. They each order an ice cream cone. When their ice creams come, there is only 1 strawberry,1 chocolate and 1 vanilla. How come they didn't complain?
Answer: One of the women was a doctor!
Riddle: In 2000, a 40-year-old doctor told his son that when a little boy he decided to be a doctor by seeing a internet web site about performing a heart transplant on a puppy with a defective heart so that the puppy would live a normal life. I then thought that I would be a doctor so that I could help people in a similar way. What is the defect in this story?
Answer: The internet did not exist when the doctor was a little boy.
Riddle: I like to be blue and have been since '63, but I could be anything if my circuit was fixed. I'm small yet infinitely bigger. I was grown but I'm made of metal. I am the last of my kind just like my beautiful idiot once was. Together we will travel, have traveled or are traveling. Tenses as seen, seeing, will see, are mysterious to me. Wibblies and wobblies, time correctly described by a Lord. What will I be, what have I been, or is it, what am I?
Answer: The T.A.R.D.I.S. from Doctor Who.