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"Dead" Riddles - Next 10 of 104.

Riddle: If you have nine fish in a fish bowl and 3 drown how many fish do you have left?
Answer: Nine because fish don't drown.
Riddle: A mile from end to end, Yet as close to you as a friend. A precious commodity, freely given. Seen on the dead and on the living. Found on the rich, poor, short, and tall, But shared among children most of all. What is it?
Answer: A simple smile.
Riddle: Step on me while I live, and I shall make no sound. Step on me when dead, I'll crack and groan. What am I?
Answer: A leaf.
Riddle: Dead on the field lie ten soldiers in white, felled by three eyes, black as night. What happened?
Answer: A strike was thrown in 10 pin bowling.
Riddle: I am everywhere yet not seen; I was dead yet I'm alive; a Son to a man who is dead yet a Son to One Who's forever alive; suffered, not for myself but for others. I have disproved many beliefs and many laws. Who am I?
Answer: Jesus Christ.
Riddle: I live in a really noisy place, And I only appear when my loud friend is with me. I have my house high in the air, and I cause deadly fires. What am I?
Answer: Lightning lives in a noisy place, And it doesn't appear without thunder. It has it's house high in the air, And it cause deadly fires.
Riddle: A Lady was found dead in a park. There was a note on the lady, it read: 1491011. The suspects were Jason, Miranda, Sal, and Timmy. The police knew who it was right away. Who was it?
Answer: Jason. 1= January 4= April 9= September 10= October 11= November. The First Letter Of Each Month Ends Up Spelling Jason.
Riddle: A guy gets to choose how to die. He has 3 choices, one to get put in the electric chair, two to get hung, and three to get thrown into a lion pit of lions that had not eaten in one thousand years. Which did he choose?
Answer: The lion pit because they had not eaten in one thousand years so they were already dead.
Riddle: Where do zombies go on vacation?
Answer: The Dead Sea.
Riddle: What kind of streets do zombies like?
Answer: Dead ends!