Riddle: Five teenage friends, Kolten, Hailey, Thomas, Mary, and Danielle, were coming home from a party together. Kolten was driving. At a traffic light, a person ran the red light and hit Kolten's car. The five teens were all rushed to the hospital. A week later people were allowed to visit the teens. Kolten's mom said, "One of the teenagers is now paralyzed." Hailey's dad said, "At least my daughter can walk." Thomas's older brother, John, said, "One of the teens has a broken arm." Mary's stepsister, Ashley, said, "It's not my stepsister that's paralyzed." Mary's grandmother said, "One of the teens has a broken leg." Danielle's boyfriend, Bradley, said, "One of the girls is paralyzed. "Thomas's friend, Mike, said, "Thomas, can stand on both legs." Kolten's cousin, Sarah, said, "One of the teens has a concussion." Hailey's uncle, Bob, said, "Either Kolten, Mary, or Danielle has a broken leg." Thomas's aunt, Susan, said, "One of the boys flew out of the car window and got multiple cuts on his left arm. The cuts got infected and his arm had to be amputated." Danielle's dad said, "The boy who has an amputated left arm used to be a lefty. Now he has to learn to be a righty." Kolten's mom said, "Kolten and Danielle are lefties. The other three are righties." Hailey's cousin, steven, said, "One girl and one boy has a cast." Danielle's grandfather said, "Whoever has a broken leg has to use crutches." Who has what injury?
Answer: Hailey has a concussion, Danielle is paralyzed, Thomas has a broken arm, Mary has a broken leg, and Kolten has an amputated left arm.
Riddle: I am a room. I have a sink. I have a stove. You use me for cooking. What am I?
Answer: A kitchen.
Riddle: A thief was in the process of robbing the house of a wealthy widow. As he was rifling through the dresser drawers where her jewelry box was located, he came upon a bunch of diamonds. He knew the diamonds were genuine because he had seen the same type many times before, but he left them untouched in the drawer and continued searching the room. When he heard police sirens approaching, he ran from the home empty-handed, not retrieving the diamonds. Did this thief flunk out of crook college? Why didn't he grab those diamonds when he had the chance?
Answer: The diamonds he spotted in the dresser drawer were a bunch of playing cards with the suit of 13 diamonds facing up where he could see them.
Riddle: I can be given, I can be taken, but I can't be moved. What am I?
Answer: A bath.
Riddle: A woman, who is the executive director of a large and profitable business, has an interesting job description. Among her many duties, she is primarily responsible for the gathering and dispensing of pictures of dead people. In fact, she has a special room within her facility which is specifically designed to hold many thousands of these pictures, and she is assigned the task of securing this room against any and all unscrupulous scoundrels who might try to steal them. Her gang of laborers spend most of the week exchanging these pictures with those who frequent her establishment, sometimes collecting, and sometimes giving these pictures to others at their request. This woman and her employees appear to enjoy their work, as they all carry these pictures of deceased individuals in their purses and wallets outside of work. Is this woman and her gang of laborers morbidly deranged, or are they more normal than they initially appear to be? Just what is this business in which these people are engaged?
Answer: The woman is a bank president, and her gang of laborers are the tellers who work there. The pictures of dead people are the many thousands of bills and coins, each with a picture of a former President or a high ranking official who are now deceased, from our past government.
Riddle: Everyone has one but also can lose it. What is it?
Answer: Your Mind.
Riddle: What did the actress think when she saw her first strands of gray hair?
Answer: She thought she'd dye.
Riddle: What did you think about the kidnaping in the park?
Answer: Don't worry they woke him up.
Riddle: What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet?
Answer: Supplies!
Riddle: Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off?
Answer: He’s all right now.