Riddle: A purveyor of baked goods is approached by a man with a very low I.Q. who wants to buy some of the baker's creations; however, the man with the low I.Q. has no credit or debit cards, no checks, and in fact, doesn't even have one red cent in his pocket to buy anything, so he is flatly denied any of the seller's goods. Who is this dolt who is trying to get something for nothing?
Answer: Simple Simon met a pieman going to the fair. Says Simple Simon to the pieman, "Let me taste your ware." Says the pieman to Simple Simon, "Show me first your penny." Says Simple Simon to the pieman, "Indeed, I have not any."
Riddle: My brother has always been the adventurous type. Unlike me, a high ranking government official, my dear brother avoids politics whenever possible, choosing to pursue more dangerous interests. In fact, my brother has many enemies ----- enemies who have tried to kill him by gun, knife, drowning, poison dart, strangulation, and by trying to infect him with a deadly disease. His life has been threatened by a vicious killer dog, a deadly poisonous snake, and a very large rat. To top it all off, my brother is a drug addict. Even his partner, who has some medical knowledge, has been unsuccessful in freeing him from this addiction. So, with all of this information, can you state my name and the name of my brother?
Answer: My name is Mycroft Holmes, and the name of my celebrated brother is Sherlock.
Riddle: I am beautiful and unsightly, That's all up to you. I usually serve one, And other times, a few. If I surround you, That's when I grow, So deep do I get, It's like infinity bro! What am I?
Answer: A mirror.
Riddle: Two friends, from a very cold town in Minnesota, each had unusual life skills which helped them in their adventures together. The first of the friends was a tall, lanky individual who, at times, possessed almost super-human strength, had the ability to remember everything he ever ate, and could accurately forecast the weather by reading a bunion on his foot --- but he wasn't known for being very intelligent. The second of the friends, known for his higher intellect, made a lot of short, solo flights, but he never obtained his pilot's license. He usually wore a pair of aviation goggles on top of his head. Their arch enemies were two Russian-like spies who doggedly pursued them, and these spies were led by a man without fear. Can you name the two friends from this very cold Minnesota town?
Answer: Rocket J. Squirrel and Bullwinkle J. Moose, otherwise known as Rocky and Bullwinkle. The two Russian-like spies (Boris and Natasha) were lead by the infamous Fearless Leader.
Riddle: I can't speak, as I have no mouth, but I named myself. What am I?
Answer: The Human Brain.
Riddle: You'll rarely find me in the forest, and hardly want to in the desert. I'm deadly in flight, but I never dance on water without an audience. What am I?
Answer: Skipping Stone.
Riddle: You will always notice my thunder before my cloudy skies. But do not stand in wonder, my floods will come and where they go everything surely dies. What am I?
Answer: Volcano.
Riddle: I am you when not asleep; And where the sad come to weep. What am I?
Answer: Awake.
Riddle: My call, I pray, at dawn of day, Shall rest you from your slumber, With job all done, my song all sung, I'll sit on seat of lumber. What am I?
Answer: A Rooster.
Riddle: Crack this riddle, take the prize; Cheat, and I shall know your lies; For I hide in your words, you see; A bond that begets your honesty. What am I?
Answer: Truth.