Riddle: What happened when the strawberry attempted to cross the road?
Answer: There was a traffic jam!
Riddle: If 1=5, 2=15, 3=215, and 4=3215. What does 5 equal?
Answer: 5=1, because 1=5.
Riddle: Say "silk" five times. Now, spell "silk." What do cows drink?
Answer: Cows drink water. If you said "milk," Your brain is obviously over-stressed and may even overheat. It may be that you need to content yourself with reading something more appropriate such as "Children's World." Just Kidding.
Riddle: What's stronger than a boulder, but weaker than a flying insect?
Answer: Gravity
Riddle: What is in the Middle Of "March & April
Answer: The Letter R. Ma(r)ch march Ap(r)il april
Riddle: When I am metal or wood, I bring you home. When I am flesh and blood, in the darkness I roam. What am I?
Answer: A bat.
Riddle: What do you get when you cross a Honda and a long hallway?
Answer: Carridor.
Riddle: You have 6 eggs. You break 2, cook 2 and you eat 2 eggs. How many do you have left?
Answer: 4. The 2 you break are the ones you cook, which are the ones you eat.
Riddle: What fruit loves to go crazy and wild?
Answer: Bananas.
Riddle: I share people who you love. My fifth letter is in letter but not in mutt. if you cut off two heads I become what you do to hit some one with a weapon. I can have designes but I might be blank. My second letter is in racing but not in lace. If your you cut my first head and last head I become something you do to break a lock door. My third letter is in blanket but not in brother my fourth letter is in information but not in rational. My first letter is not in same but is in fame Sometime I can show your hard work. I can mean something boring or something that is really important not to do. I rhyme with two words in this riddle. What am I?
Answer: Frame.