Riddle: You, me, Will and Mary eat together how do you arrange the chairs? (the way to do this is that it should be a sentence)
Answer: Will, you, Mary, me.
Riddle: Many partners could be mine, I'll not choose one to love, A priest's embrace may raise me up, He'll claim it was not me. ... No gent are you, you'll surely ask, My age before you flirt, To kiss your lips would be divine, Though soon, you'll knock me back. ... Seducers use me all the time, Their eyes upon another, Some say they're gents, but post a roll, In gutter, I am thrown. ... Even with legs, I will not run, I'll stand on one alone, I may reveal the words of truth, No secret will I say. ... What am I?
Answer: Wine
Riddle: Which button does not function when being pressed?
Answer: Belly button.
Riddle: Why didn't the turkey finish its dessert?
Answer: Because it was stuffed.
Riddle: A student asked his teacher, "Miss, is it fair if I get in trouble for something I did not do?" The teacher replied, "Of course not! Tell me who got you in trouble for something you didn't do?" What do you think the student replied with?
Answer: "Miss, I forgot to do my Homework again!"
Riddle: I'm colourful, You can have thick strips of me, And people often lose some of me. What am I?
Answer: Crayons.
Riddle: What nut has a hole and is squishy?
Answer: Doughnut
Riddle: Where do animals go to get their new tails when they're broken?
Answer: Retail Shop.
Riddle: A man goes upstairs to grab his time machine. He walks downstairs then goes back in time 200 years. Why did he go downstairs?
Answer: Because if he went back in time from upstairs, that would be a nasty fall because the house wouldn't have been there 200 years ago
Riddle: What type of jacket can you never put on?
Answer: Yellowjacket.