Riddle: What kind of room has no doors or windows?
Answer: A mush-room.
Riddle: He's dead with a metal bar across his back. When a woman sees him, she is very pleased. This was all perfectly legal. What's going on?
Answer: The woman had captured a mouse with a mousetrap.
Riddle: What has 4 legs and only 1 foot?
Answer: A Bed.
Riddle: What do you call a tick that loves math?
Answer: An Arithme-tic.
Riddle: Why to you never bring a Pokemon into the bathroom with you?
Answer: They might pikachu (Peek at u)
Riddle: What is has ten letters word that starts with gas?
Answer: Automobile.
Riddle: Split me in half, and you get me and another me. What word am I?
Answer: Meme.
Riddle: One way, I'm part of you, another we're related. What word am I?
Answer: Skin/kins. Skin can be rearranged into "kins" and vice-versa.
Riddle: What happened to the plant in the math classroom?
Answer: It grew square roots, of course.
Riddle: I have 3 digits. The tens place is 3 more than the ones place the hundrends place is 2 more than the tens place. What number am I?
Answer: 863!