Riddle: Not far outside the town of Pottsville, a railroad track runs through a tunnel in a hillside. There's only one track, and the tunnel is wide enough for only one train. But one day, two trains went into the tunnel from opposite directions. Each train entered the tunnel exactly at eight o'clock. Three minutes later, each train came out at the opposite ends of the tunnel. Yet, there was no collision! How was this possible?
Answer: One train comes at 8am and the other train came at 8pm.
8 o‘clock Train Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A bus driver was going down the street. He went straight past a stop sign without stopping. He turned left where there was a "No Left Turn" sign. Then he went the wrong way on a one-way street. And yet, he didn't break a single traffic law. Why not?
Answer: The bus driver was walking and wasn’t working.
Didn’t Break a Single Traffic Law Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Two mothers and 2 daughters decided to go shopping. They found that they only had twenty-seven dollars, in one dollar coins. They divided it evenly, without making any of the dollars into change, so that they each had exactly the same amount. How was this possible?
Answer: The 2 mothers and the 2 daughters = 3 people. There is a grandma, a mum and a child. Overall, 27 divided by 3 = 9. They had $9 each.
2 Mothers, 2 Daughters Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.