
Riddle Count: 16


Author: Juice9
Riddle: A plane crashed between the us and Mexican border, where do they bury the survivors?
Answer: You don’t burry survivors.
where Riddle Meme.
where Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: The police captured a murder and was put on death row, the police offered him 3 options to choose the way he wanted to die. The first option is by firing squad, the second is the electric chair and the third are lions who have not been fed in a year. Which option did he choose?
Answer: He would choose the lions because the lions would die if they have not been fed in a year
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Riddle: What runs but smells, and smells but runs?
Answer: Your feet.
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Riddle: There was a yellow house , a orange house, a White House, a Blue house. A yellow person lives in the yellow house, an orange person lives in the orange house, a blue person lives in the blue house, who lives in the White House?
Answer: The present
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Whose house Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What can go up a chimney down but cannot go down a chimney up?
Answer: Umbrella.
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Riddle: A man went to the pool, he jumped off the diving board into the pool, when he got out of the pool not a single hair on his head was wet. The man wasn't wearing a swimming cap. How was his hair not wet?
Answer: That man was bald.
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Fun day at the pool Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.