
Riddle Count: 5
Riddle: Why did the toilet paper roll roll down the hill?
Answer: To get to the bottom.
Riddle: What is brown and sticky?
Answer: A stick.
I couldn't think of a name Riddle Meme.
I couldn't think of a name Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What is black, but not too black. What has an I but doesn't have any eyes?
Answer: Ink.
Black stuff Riddle Meme.
Black stuff Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What is green, red and goes 100mph?
Answer: A frog in a blender.
The frog Riddle Meme.
The frog Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Why did the whale cross the ocean?
Answer: To get to the other tide.
The whale Riddle Meme.
The whale Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.