
Riddle Count: 6
Riddle: Mrs. Darling was killed on a Sunday afternoon. Her husband, Mr. Darling, said that he was reading a book. A Harry Potter book. The butler claimed he was sleeping at his house. The chef said that he was preparing breakfast. The maid claims to be dusting the shelves and her daughter is a witness. The gardener told them he was picking the fresh tomatoes, and sure enough there were no tomatoes in the yard. All of them were picked. So, who did it?
Answer: The chef, because even though Mrs. Darling was killed in the AFTERNOON, the chef claimed he was making BREAKFAST.
That Afternoon Riddle Meme.
That Afternoon Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: There was a plane crash in the middle of the ocean. Every single person died. No matter who they were. No matter gender, nationality, or eye color. Every single person died. So who survived?
Answer: Married couples.
Middle Of The Ocean Events Riddle Meme.
Middle Of The Ocean Events Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A king has no sons, no daughters, and no queen. For this reason he must decide who will take the throne after he dies. To do this he decides that he will give all of the children of the kingdom a single seed. Whichever child has the largest, most beautiful plant will earn the throne; this being a metaphor for the kingdom. At the end of the contest all of the children came to the palace with their enormous and beautiful plants in hand. After he looks at all of the children's pots, he finally decides that the little girl with an empty pot will be the next Queen. Why did he choose this little girl over all of the other children with their beautiful plants?
Answer: The King have every child a fake seed, therefore the little girl was the only honest person out of the entire kingdom. And even though she had nothing, coming there and attending proved her true bravery.
The King's Choice Riddle Meme.
The King's Choice Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I FLY without wings. I CRY without eyes. What could I possibly be?
Answer: A cloud!
No Wings, No Eyes Riddle Meme.
No Wings, No Eyes Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A man and his son are in the car. Both are in the front seat when they get into a car accident. Two different hospital trucks (ambulances) come, so the son was taken to a different hospital than his father was. The doctors rushed him to the room where he will have surgery operated on him. But before the task can be performed, the surgeon quotes. The surgeon says, "I can't do this. He is my son." How is this possible?
Answer: The surgen was his mother.
The Surgen Riddle Meme.
The Surgen Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: A woman is doing whatever she was doing in her hotel room. Drawing, laughing, drinking coffee, watching movies, did I mention laughing? Well, anyway, suddenly there was a knock on the door. Here there showed a tall man which she had never seen before. He looks at her and says, "oh sorry, I thought this was my room." So the man goes back into the elevator and goes up, she noticed. So she stays there for three seconds before walking to the telephone. There she phoned security and said, "There is a suspicious tall man. He has brown eyes and pale skin. Also, he has a birthmark under his eye, in saw uou find him." So, the lady heard a sigh from the other side and then security asked, "You said he was suspicious?" A female voice said. "Yes, I did." The woman answered. "Why so?" When the woman answered, the officer said they'd be looking for him right away and apologized for doubting her. Why was the lady suspicious?
Answer: If it really was the mans hotel room, he wouldn't have knocked, yet he did. He knocked on the ladies door.
The Suspicion Riddle Meme.
The Suspicion Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.