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"Love" Riddles - First 10 of 109.

Riddle: A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl named Sarah. The bus driver had to go on a long bus trip that would last a week. Before he left, he gave Sarah seven apples. Why?
Answer: An apple a day keeps the doctor away!
Riddle: I am something people love or hate. I change people's appearances and thoughts. If a person takes care of them self I will go up even higher. To some people, I will fool them. To others, I am a mystery. Some people might want to try and hide me but I will show. No matter how hard people try I will Never go down. What am I?
Answer: Age.
Riddle: They have not flesh, nor feathers, nor scales, nor bone. Yet they have fingers and thumbs of their own. What are they?
Answer: Gloves.
Riddle: What did the baseball glove say to the ball?
Answer: Catch you later.
Riddle: Which part of a road do Ghost's love to travel the most?
Answer: The Dead End.
Riddle: I have a heart that never beats, I have a home but I never sleep. I can take a man's house and build another, And I love to play games with my many brothers. I am a king among fools. Who am I?
Answer: The King of Hearts in a deck of cards.
Riddle: I can't be bought, but I can be stolen with a glance. I'm worthless to one, but priceless to two. What am I?
Answer: Love.
Riddle: There was a man who wanted to prove his love to his wife. So, he climbed the highest mountain, swam the deepest ocean and walked the biggest desert. What do you think his wife said?
Answer: Nothing. She divorced him for never being at home.
Riddle: How do you know that a vampire loves baseball?
Answer: Because he turns into a bat every night.
Riddle: Which word is the odd one out: Seventy, Brawl, Clover, Proper, Carrot, Swing, Change, Travel, Sacred, Stone?
Answer: Carrot. When the first and last letters are removed from the other words, they still spell another word.

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