Riddle: Charlotte is 13 years old. Her father Montague is 40 years old. How many years ago was Charlotte's father four times as old as Charlotte?
Answer: Four years ago. When Charlotte was 9 her father was 36, 4 times her age.
Riddle: When I asked her how old she was, she smiled and said cryptically: "The day before yesterday I was 22, but next year I'll be 25." What is her birthday and when was the date of our conversation?
Answer: We conversed on January 1 and her birthday was on December 31. So, the day before yesterday on Dec. 30th she was 22 and he turned 23 on Dec. 31. So her next birthday, when she turns 24, would be Dec. 31 of the same year the question was asked.  However, next years birthday would be the following year on Dec. 31, when she would be 25.
Riddle: 'How much is this bag of potatoes?' asked the man. '32lb divided by half its own weight,' said the green grocer. How much did the potatoes weigh?
Answer: 8lbs.
Math Riddles
Riddle: Out of 100 ladies attending the gala,85 had a white hand bag;75 had black shoes;60 carried an umbrella;90 wore a ring; How many ladies must have had all four items?
Answer: 10 Divide by 3. All the ladies had three items. The remainder shows the number of ladies who had 4. 85756090______310 / 3 = 100 + 10 remainder
Riddle: A man bumps into his mathematician friend on the street whom he hasn't seen in 5 years. The man asks the mathematician how old his children are. The mathematician, who always replies in riddles said, "I now have three children. The sum of their ages is equal to the number of windows on the building in front of you and the product of their ages equals 36." The friend then says "I need one more piece of information." The mathematician then replies "My youngest child has blue eyes." What are the ages of the mathematician's three children?
Answer: They are 6, 6, and 1.
Math Riddles
Riddle: Edward is as old as Benjamin used to be when Edward was as old as Benjamin is now. Benjamin is 36. How old is Edward?
Answer: Edward is 48.
Riddle: If you toss a die and it comes up with the number one 9 times in a row, what is the probability that it will come up with one on the next throw?
Answer: One in six. A die has no memory of what it last showed.
Math Riddles
Riddle: A rubber ball is tossed off the top of a 90 foot building. Every time it bounces, it goes back up half way. How many bounces will the ball take before it stops?
Answer: The answer is infinite, in a gravity free world. But of course gravity will eventually stop it.
Riddle: 'When Gwen is twice as old as Dean, Then I shall be just 17. But Gwendoline was 23 When Dean was twice as old as me.' Thats what Bill said. So tell us then, How old he was when Dean was ten?
Answer: Eight.
Riddle: What is the value of 1/2 of 2/3 of 3/4 of 4/5 of 5/6 of 6/7 of 7/8 of 8/9 of 9/10 of 1,000?
Answer: One hundred - work backwards and you will understand.
Riddle: What single-digit number should go in the box with the question?
6 5 9 2 7
1 4 3 5 ?
8 0 2 8 1
Answer: The missing number is 4.  Simply add the first and second rows together to get the third row value.
  65, 927
+ 14, 354
  80, 281
Riddle: Find four numbers, the sum of which is 45, so that if 2 is added to the first number, 2 is subtracted from the second number, the third number is multiplied by 2 and the fourth number is divided by 2, then the four numbers so produced are all the same. What are the four numbers?
Answer:  8 + 2 = 10 12 - 2 = 10   5 x 2 = 10 20 ÷ 2 = 1045
Riddle: How many times does the long hand of the clock pass the short hand between midnight one day and midnight the following day? As both hands are together at the starting time of midnight this does not count as a pass.
Answer: 21.
Riddle: A baseball and a bat combined cost $1.10. If the bat costs $1 more than the baseball, how much does the baseball cost?
Answer: If you said $0.10, you're wrong. The answer is $0.05 because the bat, costing $1 more than the baseball, will cost $1.05. $1.05+$0.05 is $1.10.
Riddle: How can you give someone $63 using six bills, without using any one dollar bills?
Answer: 1 - $50 bill, 1 - $5 bill , 4 - $2 bills
Riddle: If seven cats kill seven rats in 7 minutes, how many would be needed to kill one hundred rats in 50 minutes?
Answer: 14.
Riddle: A box of hardware contains nuts and bolts. The bolts account for 25 percent of the number of items in the box. What percentage are the bolts of the entire box?
Answer: 20 percent. For example, there are 10 bolts.  Since the number of bolts is 25 percent of the number of items, there must be 40 nuts. The total number of items = 10 bolts + 40 nuts = 50.  So, 10/50 = 1/5 = 20%.
Riddle: A book costs $1 plus half its price. How much does it cost?
Answer: $2
Riddle: Two cyclists began a training run, one starting from Moscow and the other starting from Simferopol. When the riders were 180 miles apart, a fly took an interest. Starting on one cyclists shoulder, the fly flew ahead to meet the other cyclist. After reaching him the fly then turned around and yet back. The restless fly continued to shuttleback and fourth until the pair met; then settled on the nose of one rider. The flys speed was 30 mph. Each cyclist speed was 15 mph. How many miles did the fly travel?
Answer: The cyclists took 6 hours to meet. The fly traveled 6*30=180 miles.
Riddle: Using only brackets, parentheses, and these signs +,-, X, /. How can you express 100 with 5 1's and express 100 three ways with five 5's?
Answer: 111-11=100 (5 x 5 x 5)-(5 x 5)=100; (5+5+5+5)x 5=100;(5 x 5)(5-(5/5)=100.