Riddle: I am a tick, I am usually black or white, You will find me on many clothing, People think I am cool. What am I?
Answer: The Nike Symbol.
Riddle: If a man is trapped in a room. There are no doors no windows how did he get out?
Answer: Through the door way, there are no doors but a door way!
Riddle: A boy had just got out of the shower and getting ready for his prom, shaved, and with cologne and there was going to be an after-party, and his mom, and dad said to be home for the next sunrise and was home for the next sunrise but with a full-grown beard. How can this be?
Answer: He lives in Alaska and sunrises are every six months.
Logic Puzzles
Riddle: What animal has no wings, but yet will fly?
Answer: A caterpillar has no wings, but will fly when it matures and becomes a butterfly.
Riddle: If you have two quarters on a table touching each other, how can you move one of the quarters without touching it? You are only allowed to touch one quarter but not move it. You cant touch the quarter that you move. You want to get at least enough room between the two quarters to insert another coin between the two quarters.
Answer: Hold down one of the quarters very firmly. Take another coin and hit it against the quarter you are holding down. Tap hard enough to move the quarter next to it aside.
Logic Puzzles
Riddle: A rogue pilot was about to bomb Germany! The commad was given, the hatch was opened and the bomb was released. Why didn't it ever hit the ground?
Answer: The plane was flying upside down!
Riddle: You are in a room that is completely bricked in on all four sides, including the cieling and floor. You have nothing but a mirror and a wooden table in the room with you. How do you get out?
Answer: You look in the mirror you see what you saw, you take the saw and you cut the table in half, two halfs make a whole, and you climb out the hole. 
Logic Puzzles
Riddle: Lauren and Alice are talking long distance on the phone. Lauren is in an East-Coast US state which borders the Atlantic Ocean, and Alice is in a West-Coast state which borders the Pacific Ocean. Lauren asks Alice: "What time is it?" Alice replies and Lauren says: "That's really odd. It's the same time here!" How can this be?
Answer: Alice is in Eastern Oregon (in Mountain time) and Lauren is in Western Florida (in Central time). It is the night that daylight-savings time changes back to standard time any time after 1:00 and before 2:00 AM.
Riddle: There are 4 borthers 3 of them want to buy a television which is 30 pounds. Each of them pay 10 pound each they give the money to the fourth brother and asked him to go into town and buy the television. When he got there the man said there was 5 pounds off so the fourth brother took the 5 pound and television and left. He decided to make some money out of this so he took 2 pounds and give the other 3 pounds to his brothers. So the 3 brothers only payed 9 pounds each. 3 times 9 is 27 were is the last pound?
Answer: Add 3 on to 25 = 28 then add 2
Riddle: Try deciphering this code - S T O E E I T A E S S S I N O Y (Hint - count and you will have the answer!)
Answer: Did you count the number of letters? There are 16 of them. Divide them in groups of 4. Then, put each group below the other, and read column wise. Here's how you do it... S T O E E I T A E S S S I N O Y The answer to the code is See it is not so easy.
Riddle: What are the next 3 letters in this riddle? O T T F F S S _ _ _
Answer: E N T. Explanation: Each letter represents the first letter of each number one thru ten.
Riddle: Jack had only $2, but he needed $3 for his cab fare home. He went to a pawn shop and pawned his $2 for $1.50. Jack then bumped into Don and told him that he would sell him his $2 pawn ticket for $1.50. Don agreed. Jack started out with $2 and he ended up with $3. Who is out the extra dollar and why?
Answer: Don is out the extra dollar. Before the pawn broker will return the $2 to the ticket holder, he will want the $1.50 which he advanced returned to him. Don will give the pawn broker the ticket and the $1.50, and the pawn broker will then return the $2.
Riddle: Charlotte is 13 years old. Her father Montague is 40 years old. How many years ago was Charlotte's father four times as old as Charlotte?
Answer: Four years ago. When Charlotte was 9 her father was 36, 4 times her age.
Riddle: A large truck is crossing a bridge 1 mile long. The bridge can only hold 14000 lbs, which is the exact weight of the truck. The truck makes it half way across the bridge and stops. A bird lands on the truck. Does the bridge collapse?
Answer: No, it does not collapse. Because it has driven a half mile - you would subtract the gas used from the total weight of the truck.
Riddle: What's the word inside the riddle?
Answer: The iddl.
Riddle: Use all letters of this sentence once each only to spell out three animals. 'TALL ELEPHANT OR APEMAN' What are the three animals?
Riddle: Find four numbers, the sum of which is 45, so that if 2 is added to the first number, 2 is subtracted from the second number, the third number is multiplied by 2 and the fourth number is divided by 2, then the four numbers so produced are all the same. What are the four numbers?
Answer:  8 + 2 = 10 12 - 2 = 10   5 x 2 = 10 20 ÷ 2 = 1045
Riddle: How many times does the long hand of the clock pass the short hand between midnight one day and midnight the following day? As both hands are together at the starting time of midnight this does not count as a pass.
Answer: 21.
Riddle: DEFENDING, CALMNESS, SIGHING, CANOPY and STUMBLE. What do these words have in common?
Answer: They each have 3 letters in common. CA NOP Y.
Riddle: A forest exists somewhere on Earth. This forest has no life except for trees. After a storm, a tree was hit by lightning and falls. What sound would it make?
Answer: None. Sound does not exist if it is unheard.