Riddle: Why don't chickens play baseball?
Answer: Because they hit fowl balls.
Riddle: Why can't a cook swallow his apron?
Answer: Because it goes against his stomach.
Riddle: Why did the shower bar turn red?
Answer: It's towel fell off.
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: Where do Turkeys go to dance?
Answer: The Butter Ball.
Riddle: What was the pilgrim favorite type of music?
Answer: Plymouth Rock.
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: What famous nurse wore her pajamas all day long?
Answer: Florence Nightingown.
Riddle: When does one become soured?
Answer: When he is in a pickle.
Jokes and Riddles
Riddle: What animal probably likes doors?
Answer: A doormouse.
Riddle: What does a newspaper reporter use to dry himself after his shower?
Answer: Paper towels.
Riddle: Why did the jelly roll?
Answer: It saw the apple turn over.
Riddle: What kind of money do vampires use?
Answer: Blood money!
Riddle: Why is coffee like an axe with a dull edge?
Answer: Because it must be ground before it is used.
Riddle: What is the difference between a deer fleeing from hunters and a midget witch?
Answer: One is a hunted stag and the other a stunted hag.
Riddle: When are eyes not eyes?
Answer: When the wind makes them water.
Riddle: What's a physicist's favorite snack?
Answer: A "GRAM"-cracker.
Riddle: What do bumblebees sing in the shower?
Answer: BeeBop.
Riddle: What does the artist like to draw best?
Answer: His salary.
Riddle: What do you call it when two mice almost collide?
Answer: A narrow squeak.
Riddle: Who robbed stagecoaches and wore dirty clothes?
Answer: Messy James.
Riddle: What is the best way to get from earth to mars?
Answer: PLANET!