I Am Left At The End

Author: Wen Zhang
3 years ago

Riddle: I have a mouth, but no teeth to chew. I come from a source, but it's hard to find. I have an end, but I am the journey. And though I can be deadly, I bring life everywhere I go. Who Am I?
Answer: River
Source: https://www.riddles.com/9142
I have a mouth, but no teeth to chew. I come from a source, but it's hard to find. I have an end, but I am the journey. And though I can be deadly, I bring life everywhere I go. Who Am I?
I am left at the end by Wen Zhang v1.

Riddle: I have a mouth, but no teeth to chew. I come from a source, but it's hard to find. I have an end, but I am the journey. And though I can be deadly, I bring life everywhere I go. Who Am I? Answer: River
by Wen Zhang v2.