Who Is The Youngest

Author: marikaorosz
4 years ago

Riddle: A grandpa and a mom and dad and their kids (a girl of 12 and a boy of 8 and a baby of 2 years old) are in a room. The grandpa is the oldest (because he is dead and this is at his funeral)... but who is the youngest?
Answer: The grandpa... because he is a baby ghost now!
Source: https://www.riddles.com/8698
A grandpa and a mom and dad and their kids (a girl of 12 and a boy of 8 and a baby of 2 years old) are in a room. The grandpa is the oldest (because he is dead and this is at his funeral)... but who is the youngest?
Who is the youngest by marikaorosz v1.

Riddle: A grandpa and a mom and dad and their kids (a girl of 12 and a boy of 8 and a baby of 2 years old) are in a room. The grandpa is the oldest (because he is dead and this is at his funeral)... but who is the youngest? Answer: The grandpa... because he is a baby ghost now!
by marikaorosz v2.