Too Young?

Author: Benymin Yoyan
4 years ago

Riddle: There are 2 boats, a small private one, and a large one. When you look at the large one, you see 10 people, but the next second, there isn't a single person on it. How?
Answer: Everyone was a Couple (they're married).
There are 2 boats, a small private one, and a large one. When you look at the large one, you see 10 people, but the next second, there isn't a single person on it. How?
Too Young? by Benymin Yoyan v1.

Riddle: There are 2 boats, a small private one, and a large one. When you look at the large one, you see 10 people, but the next second, there isn't a single person on it. How? Answer: Everyone was a Couple (they're married).
by Benymin Yoyan v2.