Five Boys

Author: Kathryn
7 years ago

Riddle: A mother had five boys Marco, Tucker, Webster, and Thomas. Was the fifth boy named Frank, Evan, or Alex?
Answer: The answer is Frank.  The mother named the kids with the first two letters of the days of the week.Monday is Marco, Tuesday is Tucker, Wednesday is Webster, Thursday is Thomas and Friday is Frank.
A mother had five boys Marco, Tucker, Webster, and Thomas. Was the fifth boy named Frank, Evan, or Alex?
Five Boys by Kathryn v1.

Riddle: A mother had five boys Marco, Tucker, Webster, and Thomas. Was the fifth boy named Frank, Evan, or Alex? Answer: The answer is Frank.  The mother named the kids with the first two letters of the days of the week.Monday is Marco, Tuesday is Tucker, Wednesday is Webster, Thursday is Thomas and Friday is Frank.
by Kathryn v2.