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"Word" Riddles - Next 10 of 296.

Riddle: What comes once in a year, twice in a month, thrice in a week, and 4 times in a day?
Answer: The letter 'R'.Once in YEAR. Twice in the month: FEBRUARY. Three times in the days of a week: SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Four times in the times of a day: ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, NINE, TEN, ELEVEN, and TWELVE (X2 for AM & PM).
Riddle: General Gasslefield, accused of high treason, is sentenced to death by court-martial. He is allowed to make a final statement, after which he will be shot if the statement is false or will be hung if the statement is true. Gasslefield makes his final statement and is released. The Question: What could he have said?
Answer: General Gasslefield said: "I will be shot." If this statement was true, he would have been hung and thus not be shot. But then his statement would be false, which implies that he should be shot, making the statement true again, etc... In other words: the verdict of the court-martial could not be executed and the general was released.
Riddle: I am a word of three syllables, each of which is a word; my first is an article in common use; my second, an animal of uncommon intelligence; my third, though not an animal, is used in carrying burdens. My whole is a useful art. What am I?
Answer: Pen-man-ship.
Riddle: There are four words. Two of them have four letters, and the other two have five letters. The four-letter words have two vowels and two consonants. The five-letter words have two vowels and three consonants. If you read one of the four-letter words backward, you will get the other four-letter word. If you put a consonant in the beginning of a four-letter word you'll get one of the five-letter words. If you put the same consonant to the end of the other four-letter word you will get the other five-letter word, which is also read backward as the first five-letter word. There is a correlation between the one of the four and one of the five-letter words. The same goes for the other two words. One pair has to do with something bad and the other pair has to do with life. What are the words?
Answer: Evil Devil Lived Live
Riddle: Which English word is the odd one out: Stun, Ton, Evil, Letter, Mood, Bad, Strap, Snap, and Straw?
Answer: Letter as it is the only one that does not spell another word when it’s written backward.
Riddle: There was once a house. In the house was a garden, In the garden was a pond, On the pond was a boat, An' by the boat was a girl, In a pretty petticoat. What was her name? Well that's such a shame, 'Cause it's hidden in the middle of this riddle! What is she called?
Answer: Her name is Anne. The riddle is sung as a song (henceforth it rhymes), meaning when sung the word and is pronounced as an', giving away her name!
Riddle: What is dark but made by light?
Answer: A shadow. A shadow is a dark area or shape produced by an object coming between rays of light and a surface.
Riddle: I am a word of five letters. Take away my first and I am the name of what adorns the estate of many of the nobility of England. Take away my first and second, and I am the name of a place where all the world was once congregated. Take away my last, and I am the name of a beautiful mineral. Take away my two last, and I am the name of a fashionable place of resort. I am small in stature but capable of doing a great deal of mischief, as I once did in London in the year 1666. What word am I?
Answer: Spark.
Riddle: What English word is spelled easily with just one eye?
Answer: The word 'EASILY'.
Riddle: When does a cup become a criminal?
Answer: When it's a mugger (British word for someone who attacks and robs people).