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"Killer" Riddles - Next 10 of 23.

Riddle: I am both a killer and a savior, it depends on those who wield me. I will bring you from deep water to the shallows, or maybe I could be the one who will hang you in the gallows. What am I?
Answer: A rope.
Riddle: Cameron Fitzgerald, a famous scientist, was found killed in his laboratory. Detective R.I. Dill was called to the scene. The only clue was a written note saying "66, 57, 7 - P.T" Detective Dill found 4 suspects who were nearby at the time of the murder. Jake Willow, Cameron's best friend, Samantha Fitzgerald, Cameron's wife, Dylan Hemlok, Cameron's assistant, and Amy Dill, Det. Dill's sister and Cameron's chauffeur. After re-reading the note, Detective Dill immediately knew who it was. Who was the killer and how did Detective Dill know? (Hint - The answer is science-related)
Answer: It was Dylan. The note was referring to the periodic table of elements, a.k.a 'P.T' The numbers 66, 57 and 7 are (in order): Dysprosium, Lanthanum and Nitrogen. Dysprosium is symbolized by 'Dy', Lanthanum for 'La' and Nitrogen is 'N'.
Riddle: A serial killer kidnapped people and made them take 1 of 2 pills: one was harmless, and the other was poisonous. Whichever pill a victim took, the serial killer took the other one. The victim took their pill with water and died. The killer survived. How did the killer always get the harmless pill?
Answer: Both of the pills were harmless. The poison was in the glass of water the victim drank.
Riddle: Every day, some of America's finest fall into enemy traps and are captured and placed behind bars. The olive-green and greenish-brown camouflage uniforms they wear don't appear to be effective in protecting them against these enemies. Once caught, there is rarely any chance of escape for any of these prisoners. In fact, nearly all of them are executed by their captors, but never once has even one of them ever revealed any state secrets before dying. Each prisoner is systematically removed from his/her cell by an executioner wearing a white uniform and hat. This killer appears to have no conscience, as he ends the lives of many of these captives each day by scalding them to death. However, there are many Americans who want to honor these and celebrate the lives of the fallen. In fact, 44 U.S. states have erected monuments to remind us of those who have given their lives to serve us. Who are these captives, and what are these monuments which have been erected to help us remember them?
Answer: The captives are lobsters, and the monuments 44 states have erected to help us remember them are Red Lobster seafood restaurants. Just so everyone knows, lobsters only turn red after being boiled.
Riddle: What is a cereal's worst fear?
Answer: A cereal killer.
Riddle: My brother has always been the adventurous type. Unlike me, a high ranking government official, my dear brother avoids politics whenever possible, choosing to pursue more dangerous interests. In fact, my brother has many enemies ----- enemies who have tried to kill him by gun, knife, drowning, poison dart, strangulation, and by trying to infect him with a deadly disease. His life has been threatened by a vicious killer dog, a deadly poisonous snake, and a very large rat. To top it all off, my brother is a drug addict. Even his partner, who has some medical knowledge, has been unsuccessful in freeing him from this addiction. So, with all of this information, can you state my name and the name of my brother?
Answer: My name is Mycroft Holmes, and the name of my celebrated brother is Sherlock.
Riddle: My little circle of friends here, getting bumped off one-by-one, reminds me of Agatha Christie's famous murder mystery "Ten Little Indians", where a small group of people are knocked off, one at a time, until only the killer and one person is left. The main difference is that in Christie's novel, the last survivor was to die by hanging, but in my situation, the sole survivor will be given "The Chair"! Should this person call the police? Is there a life-and-death scenario going on here, or is everyone's safety assured? What exactly is happening?
Answer: The person, along with a small group of their friends, is engaged in a game of Musical Chairs. "The Chair" is always reserved for the last person left.
Riddle: You were once a judge in a chocolate eclair-making contest, and you awarded the blue ribbon for first place to an outstanding chef by the name of Vera Good. However, another disgruntled chef who lost the competition, whose name was Notu Swell, experienced a mental meltdown and a subsequent nervous breakdown over the loss. He vowed to seek revenge against you, blaming you entirely for his not winning. With the cunning of a serial killer, he was able to entrap you and imprison you in the basement of his house. Once he had you in his clutches, he approached you and revealed his evil plan: "You see before you, five chocolate eclairs which I just finished baking. I have piped a deadly poison into four of these, but the fifth one is poison-free. You must choose one of the five eclairs, based on the matching recipes I have handed you, and eat the eclair which you believe not to be the poisoned one. If you can identify The Only Chocolate Eclair Recipe Which Has No False Ingredient In It, then you may eat it safely, and I will then release you. However, I doubt you have the knowledge to properly judge which eclair recipe is the true one. At any rate, you must eat one of my pastries, if you ever again wish to see the light of day." These are the five recipes from which you must choose. Your very life depends on it: RECIPE #1: 2 tbsp unsalted butter; 1/2 tsp salt; chocolate pastry cream; 1/2 cup whipping cream; 4 large eggs; 8 oz. semi-sweet chocolate; 1 oz. freshly ground paprika; 1 tbsp white sugar; 1 cup flour; 1 cup water. RECIPE #2: 2 tbsp unsalted butter; 1/2 tsp kosher salt; 2 oz. distilled white vinegar; vanilla pastry cream; 2 cups whole milk; 4 eggs; 1/2 cup confectioner's sugar; 1 cup flour; 1 tsp vanilla extract. RECIPE #3: 2 tbsp unsalted butter; 1/2 tsp salt; chocolate pastry cream; 1/2 cup whipping cream; 4 large eggs; 1/4 cup chopped oregano; 8 oz. semi-sweet chocolate; 2 tbsp corn syrup; 1 cup flour; 1 cup water. RECIPE #4: 2 tbsp unsalted butter; 1/2 tsp salt; vanilla pastry cream; 1 cup whipping cream; 4 large eggs; 8 oz. semi-sweet chocolate; 1 tbsp white sugar; 1 cup flour; 2 tbsp corn syrup; 1 cup water. RECIPE #5: 2 tbsp unsalted butter; 1/2 tsp kosher salt; vanilla pastry cream; 2 cups of whole or 2% milk; 1/2 cup whipping cream; 2 cups finely chopped onion; 1/2 cup confectioner's sugar; 4 large eggs; 8 oz. semi-sweet chocolate; 1 tsp vanilla extract; 1 tbsp white sugar; 1 cup flour. "Now, which of the five recipes is the ONLY one which contains no poison --- THE ONLY ONE HAVING NO FALSE ECLAIR INGREDIENT?" Which one will you choose?
Answer: Only RECIPE #4 has no false ingredient. The FALSE ingredients in the recipes are as follows: RECIPE #1 is Paprika. RECIPE #2 is Vinegar. RECIPE #3 is Oregano. RECIPE #5 is Chopped Onion. Did you survive?
Riddle: You were in the garden. There are 34 people in the yard. You killed 30. How many people are in the garden?
Answer: Only 1, the killer.  If he killed 30 the other 4 would have run away so the killer would be the only one left.
Riddle: A young man named Orion is carrying a large, double-edged axe. He is stalking his prey, possessed by one single thought -- to kill! His hands are calloused, but his soul is not, as he always strives to be kind to others, despite his strong desire to kill. He has killed 11 times already today, but he feels compelled to kill at least two more times because that very morning Orion believes he heard a voice instructing him to kill no fewer than 13 today. Orion plans to use his axe to kill only those older than 50 years of age. Many other people have witnessed his multiple axe killings, but no one has ever tried to intervene or report his actions to the police. What is wrong with these people? It appears obvious that Orion is seriously mentally ill and suffers from auditory hallucinations with delusional thinking. How can his killing spree possibly be ignored? Or, is there some reasonable explanation for these events? Just what in the world is happening here?
Answer: Orion works as a lumberjack. At the start of his work, Orion’s boss instructed him to meet his quota for the day by using his axe to chop down at least 13 mature trees.