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"Goes" Riddles - Next 10 of 89.

Riddle: What goes up and down, but doesn't move an inch?
Answer: Stairs.
Riddle: The king of the jungle, rare as gold, black as night, in light not there and night not seen. Goes in water, goes on trees, goes in caves, goes on the ground. Claws of knives, teeth of swords, roar of death but silent as a mouse. What is it?
Answer: A black panther (black jaguar)
Riddle: I'm a word meaning eating well, but when one letter goes missing I mean starvation. What am I?
Answer: Feast (fast).
Riddle: Who does the ocean date?
Answer: It goes out with the tide.
Riddle: If what goes up must come down, what comes down that must go up?
Answer: The Sun.
Riddle: What does a male sheep do when he is angry?
Answer: He goes on a ram-page.
Riddle: A woman is 6 months pregnant when she falls into a coma for 3 months. When she wakes up, she asks the doctor about her babies. The doctor states that she had twins, 1 boy, and 1 girl. They're doing fine and her brother named them. The woman goes "No, No, No, not my brother - he's an idiot. What did he name the girl?" The doctor says Daneice. What did the brother name the boy?
Answer: Danephew
Riddle: What goes down but doesn't go up?
Answer: A waterfall.
Riddle: What tire goes on vacation?
Answer: A retire!
Riddle: What goes in a bird bath and never gets wet?
Answer: Either the birds reflection or the birds shadow --Either one works