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"Cow" Riddles - First 10 of 54.

Riddle: How do you spell COW in thirteen letters?
Riddle: There are 30 cows in a field, and 28 chickens. How many didn't?
Answer: 10. Listen closely: 30 cows and twenty-eight chickens. Say EIGHT and ATE. They sound the same. Therefore, it means 20 ATE chickens. 30-20=10, so 10 cows didn't eat any chickens.
Riddle: A farmer has twenty sheep, ten pigs, and ten cows. If we call the pigs cows, how many cows will he have?
Answer: Ten Cows. We can call the pigs cows but it doesn't make them cows.
Riddle: How could a cowboy ride into town on Friday, stay two days, and ride out on Friday?
Answer: His horse is named Friday.
Riddle: Where do cows go to dance?
Answer: The Meatball.
Riddle: Why don't cows have money?
Answer: Because the farmer milks them dry.
Riddle: Why is it easier to count cows than sheep?
Answer: You can use a cowculator.
Riddle: What TV programs do cows watch in bed?
Answer: Moo-vies.
Riddle: What is in front of a woman and at the end of a cow?
Answer: The letter W.
Riddle: Why do cows wear bells?
Answer: Because their horns don't work.

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