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"In The Ocean" Riddles - 6 of 6

Riddle: I'm the part of the bird that's not in the sky. I can swim in the ocean and yet remain dry. What am I?
Answer: I am the birds shadow.
Riddle: How do shells get around in the ocean?
Answer: A taxi crab.
Riddle: What won't break if you throw it off the highest building in the world, but will break if you place it in the ocean?
Answer: A tissue.
Riddle: You can't get rid of me. I'm a man-made catastrophe. I'm a silent killer, every day I grow bigger, I cost dollars and dollars, figures and figures. I'm in the water you drink, floating in the ocean I don't sink. I trap one, I trap two, how many can be saved by you? I'm the world's biggest problem, quick better solve me. What am I?
Answer: Plastic.
Riddle: You are floating in cold freezing water in the ocean after a shipwreck. Suddenly, out of the blue, you see an island. You quickly swim towards the island and sleep on the cold sand. The next day you see a boy, a woman, and a man who had claimed they had been poisoned and they need your water to cure them you ask them "What poison can be killed by water?" Then, you feel thirsty take out your water bottle and before you drink you realize it is some sort of potion then understand why they went to you. You see a note which tells that two are vampires while one is an actual human and tells you a secret code that could be a hint. The code was manacure. Who should you save?
Answer: Answer: The man if you spell the words back word it spells cure a man the steps are here normal: manacure 1st step - separate them into words: man a cure 2nd step - rearrange them: cure a man 3rd step - you got your answer
Riddle: Two men walk into a restaurant by the sea and sit at the bar. Both men are covered in water. Both men order a plate of Albatross and take one bite. After chewing and swallowing, the first man stands up, walks outside, and shoots himself, while the other finnishes his meal. Why?
Answer: The two men were stranded out in the ocean with a third man when they were beginning to stave. When an albatross landed on their life boat and died they finally had food but it was not enough to feed all three of them. They drew straws and the looser was killed and eaten. They mixed up the human meat and the albatross meat so neither person would know what they were eating. After being rescued, the friends went to eat real Albatross and the man who killed himself realized that he was the one that ate his friend.

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