Riddle: How do you spell COW in nine letters?
Answer: Hamburger.
Riddle: What does Darth Vader use instead of a credit card?
Answer: PayPalpatine.
Riddle: What is the name of Frosty's brother that really likes sweets?
Answer: Frosting the Snowman!
Riddle: What do you call two banana peals?
Answer: Slippers!
Riddle: My little circle of friends here, getting bumped off one-by-one, reminds me of Agatha Christie's famous murder mystery "Ten Little Indians", where a small group of people are knocked off, one at a time, until only the killer and one person is left. The main difference is that in Christie's novel, the last survivor was to die by hanging, but in my situation, the sole survivor will be given "The Chair"! Should this person call the police? Is there a life-and-death scenario going on here, or is everyone's safety assured? What exactly is happening?
Answer: The person, along with a small group of their friends, is engaged in a game of Musical Chairs. "The Chair" is always reserved for the last person left.
Riddle: Billy and Sally set out on a journey to visit a famous castle, but they both forgot to bring any food, water, or money with them. At the onset of their trip, they saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky which they considered to be a good omen. Fortunately for them, along the way, they found some friendly individuals who offered them some high-calorie treats to eat --- gumdrops and peanut brittle being two examples. At one dangerous point in their journey, they had to pass through a swamp, but fortunately, no alligators were seen. Finally, they arrived at the castle, and after a brief visit there, they left the castle, went to a nearby eatery, and had tuna fish sandwiches for lunch. Where in the world was this famous castle located?
Answer: Billy and Sally were children, playing a game of Candy Land.
Riddle: What can be used only once and after it's used it will be gone?
Answer: A bomb!
Riddle: A man decided to go for a walk. He made numerous stops during his stroll, hoping to hear some good news each time he stopped. Despite his usual excellent sense of direction, he realized he had been walking in circles. He was certain of this, as he noticed his favorite number 8 kept reappearing before his eyes. After continuing his walk for a long time, he finally received the good news he had been hoping for; and he then returned home, a little poorer than when he had started, but glad to be leaving with the sweet love of his life. What was going on in this bizarre-sounding narrative, and who/what was the sweet love of his life which was mentioned?
Answer: The man gave a monetary donation to participate in a cake walk. Eventually, his number was called for the space he was standing on, and he went home with the dessert he truly loved ———— a beautiful cake!
Riddle: What type of Martial Arts does Winnie the Pooh do?
Answer: Kung Pooh.
Riddle: What do you get when you dot the I and cross the T?
Answer: “You get it.”