Riddle: What burdens without weight and guides without a destination?
Answer: A conscience.
Riddle: I stab you and I cut you, yet I mean you no harm! What am I?
Answer: A surgeon.
Riddle: All have tried to catch me, none have kept me! What am I?
Answer: Satisfaction.
Riddle: I slow with the passage of time, yet I am quick without movement! What am I?
Answer: A keen mind.
Riddle: What has arms and legs but no head?
Answer: A chair!
Riddle: Their differences are often unannounced, Though the difference is quite pronounced, There may be no change in what you're going to hear, But your context will show you that they're here. What are they?
Answer: Homophones.
Riddle: I move very easily, I am gooey, If you touch me I'll leave a substance behind. What am I?
Answer: Slime.
Riddle: A small group of people are all standing around a two-foot tall, empty, wooden container. Two women approach the group carrying a silver container, which they place inside the wooden container. No one complains about the quarter-sized hole in the side of the wooden object. A Z-shaped piece of metal is then attached to both the silver and wooden containers, and one-at-a-time, the members of the small group take turns grasping the Z-shaped piece of metal and moving their hands in a circular motion. When one tires of this, another person takes over, and this is repeated numerous times. Finally, a heavy group member places his foot on top of the Z-shaped object, while a final group member performs a few last circular motions. After this, the top of the silver container is removed, and an object made of wood and metal is removed from it. Later, the contents of the silver container are consumed by those present. What has been going on here?
Answer: This group was making home made ice cream using an old fashioned hand-cranked ice cream freezer.
Riddle: This is a coded riddle. Crack the code and answer the riddle. What is the riddle and answer? The cipher for this coded riddle is hidden somewhere on Riddles.com. Hint: #5000 This is a riddle written in secret code. Can you solve it? Wklv sodfh kdv kdugob dqb oljkwv, exw d orw ri fuhdnlqj iorruv. Wkhuh duh doo nlqgv ri vwudqjh qrlvhv dqg vrph udqgrp vodpplqj grruv. Zkdw lv lw?
Answer: The riddle "Puzzle 4 - Code Riddle - What is the riddle and answer?" is unanswered. Do you know the answer? If so, click ANSWER and add your answer in the comments section.
Riddle: Flying away / Flying off while being born. Stand over / just being while existing. Fading / Disappearing while dying. What is it?
Answer: The riddle "Riddle - HELP ME!" is unanswered. Do you know the answer? If so, click ANSWER and add your answer in the comments section.