Riddle: What English word has three consecutive double letters?
Answer: Bookkeeper.
Riddle: When it's alive we sing, when it is dead we clap our hands. What is it?
Answer: A birthday candle.
Riddle: We hurt without moving. We poison without touching. We bear the truth and the lies. We are not to be judged by our size. What are we?
Answer: Words.
What is it Riddles
Riddle: It doesn't bark, it doesn't bite but it still won't let you in the house. What is it?
Answer: A lock.
Riddle: Take one out and scratch my head, I am now black but once was red. What am I?
Answer: A Match.
What is it Riddles
Riddle: What falls but doesn't break, and what breaks but doesn't fall?
Answer: Night and Day.
Riddle: Saws sing it, We snore it, Bees drone it, And one alone ends the alphabet. What is it?
Answer: Zzzzzzzz.
What is it Riddles
Riddle: A certain crime is punishable if attempted but not punishable if committed. What is it?
Answer: Suicide.
Riddle: Here on earth it is true, yesterday is always before today; but there is a place where yesterday always follows today. Where?
Answer: The Dictionary.
Riddle: What word is spelled incorrectly in the dictionary?
Answer: Incorrectly.
Riddle: If I eat I live yet if I drink I die. What am I ?
Answer: Fire.
Riddle: What is it that is deaf, dumb and blind and always tells the truth?
Answer: A Mirror.
Riddle: It has five wheels, though often think four, You cannot use it without that one more, You can put things in it, you can strap things on top, You can't find it in the market, but you can still go shopping. What is it?
Answer: A car.
Riddle: What demands an answer, but asks no question?
Answer: A telephone.
Riddle: What is red and blue, and purple and green? No one can reach it, not even the queen?
Answer: A Rainbow.
Riddle: What is one thing that all wise men, regardless of their politics or religion, agree is between heaven and earth?
Answer: The word 'And'.
Riddle: What kind of bars won't keep a prisoner in jail?
Answer: Chocolate bars.
Riddle: What is put on a table, cut, but never eaten?
Answer: A deck of cards.
Riddle: With pointed fangs it sits in wait, With piercing force it doles out fate, Over bloodless victims proclaiming its might, Eternally joining in a single bite. What is it?
Answer: It is a Stapler.
Riddle: What has four eyes and runs south?
Answer: The Mississippi River.