Riddle: What goes through the door without pinching itself, sits on the stove without burning itself, sits on the table, and is not ashamed?
Answer: The Sun.
Riddle: A headless man had a letter to write; It was read by a man who had lost his sight. The dumb repeated it word for word, And deaf was he who listened and heard. What is it?
Answer: The letter in question is the letter "O". It is zero. The man had nothing to write. The blind could read nothing. The person who was dumb could repeat nothing. The deaf man listened and heard nothing.
Riddle: Ben walked into a hardware store and asked the price of some items. The salesman said: One costs $1, Eight costs $1, Seventeen cost $2, One hundred four costs $3 and One thousand seventy two costs $4. What was Ben buying?
Answer: Ben was buying home address numbers and they cost $1 per digit.
What is it Riddles
Riddle: Angry and Hungry are two words ending in 'gry" There are three words, (Using popular terminology) in the English Language, that ends in "GRY". The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is. What is the third word?
Answer: The answer is terminology. It's the third word ending in gry. Using popular terminology
Riddle: What God never sees, what the king seldom sees, and what we see every day. What is it? Read my riddle.
Answer: An equal.
What is it Riddles
Riddle: What can go up a chimney down, but cannot go down a chimney up?
Answer: An umbrella.
Riddle: What can be heard and caught but never seen?
Answer: A remark.
What is it Riddles