Riddle: I am the fountain from which no one can drink. For many I am considered a necessary link. Like gold to all I am sought for, But my continued death brings wealth for all to want more. What am I?
Answer: Oil.
Riddle: What animal probably likes doors?
Answer: A doormouse.
Riddle: I'm sometimes white, Although sometimes I'm black. I take you there, But never bring you back. What am I?
Answer: I'm a Hearse.
What Am I Riddles
Riddle: The letters of the alphabet but only just a few; It's hard to say if I was invented or just discovered by you. What am I?
Answer: Music
Riddle: What do you use to hoe a row, slay a foe, and wring with woe?
Answer: Your hands.
What Am I Riddles
Riddle: Runs over fields and woods all day Under the bed at night sits not alone, With long tongue hanging out, Awaiting for a bone. What am I?
Answer: A shoe.
Riddle: Through me, you see through things. What am I?
Answer: An X-ray machine.
What Am I Riddles
Riddle: 'Tis found in our troubles, 'tis mixed with our pleasures, 'Tis laid up above with our heavenly treasures; 'Tis whispered in heaven, and 'tis muttered in hell, And it findeth a place in each sybilline spell; In Paradise nestled, 'mid Eden's fair flowers, It has sported with Eve in rose-perfumed bowers; 'Tis muttered in curses, yet breathed in our prayers; From the path of our duty it tempts us in snares. Deep, deep in our hearts you will find it engraved; Though in misery sunk, yet from sin it is saved. 'Tis found in the stream that flows on to the ocean; Though in bustle forever, 'tis ne'er in commotion. 'Tis wafted afar o'er the land in each breath; In the grave 'tis decaying-you'll find it in death. It is floating away on the broad stream of time, Yet it findeth a place in eternity's clime. In the legends of nations it holdeth a place; There's no charm without it to the beautiful face. In thunder you'll hear it, if closely you listen; In moonbeam and sunbeam forever 'twill glisten. In the dew-drop it sparkles; 'tis found in the forest; It whispers in peace when our need is the sorest. What am I?
Answer: The letter E.
Riddle: My fleece is white as snow. Everywhere that Mary goes, I go. What am I?
Answer: A lamb.
Riddle: My tines be long, My tines be short, My tines end ere, My first report., What am I?
Answer: lightning
Riddle: Untainted, Eternal, Marooned A place where the living will move. A shrine beneath the sun. Greeted by the morning's crest. Our sanctity, Our rest. For when our day is done. What am I?
Answer: A Graveyard.
Riddle: When you add meat to me, I become vegetarian. What am I?
Answer: Mince
Riddle: I am not found on any ground, But always in the air; Though charged each cloud with thunder loud, You can not find me there. Now, if from France you choose to dance Your way just into Spain, I there am seen, and near the queen, In hail, in mist, and rain. What am I?
Answer: The letter I.
Riddle: I build up castles. I tear down mountains. I make some men blind, I help others to see. What am I?
Answer: I am Sand.
Riddle: I am just two and two. I am hot. I am cold. I am the parent of numbers that cannot be told. I am a gift beyond measure, a matter of course. I am given with pleasure when taken by force. What am I?
Answer: I'm a Kiss!
Riddle: I am a tick, I am usually black or white, You will find me on many clothing, People think I am cool. What am I?
Answer: The Nike Symbol.
Riddle: My first is in chocolate but not in ham, my second's in cake and also in jam, my third at tea-time is easily found, my whole is a friend who's often around. What am I?
Answer: A Cat!
Riddle: I like to be blue and have been since '63, but I could be anything if my circuit was fixed. I'm small yet infinitely bigger. I was grown but I'm made of metal. I am the last of my kind just like my beautiful idiot once was. Together we will travel, have traveled or are traveling. Tenses as seen, seeing, will see, are mysterious to me. Wibblies and wobblies, time correctly described by a Lord. What will I be, what have I been, or is it, what am I?
Answer: The T.A.R.D.I.S. from Doctor Who.
Riddle: I have a mouth, no butt, two cranes and floating vessels. What am I?
Answer: A ship dock!
Riddle: I was born in the 18th century, yet still live on today. Appearing on TV when I have something to say. Called everything from "honest" to a dirty rotten "crook", I used to wear a wig, but have had several looks. I've always had a party, but never disturb the neighbors. I've been shot at many times - major stories for the papers. What am I?
Answer: The Office of the President of the United States.