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"Love" Riddles - Next 10 of 108.

Riddle: Its waves and ripples please us all, We love to see it flying. And none can make a better one, You’ll waste your time in trying. What is it?
Answer: Our flag.
Riddle: Many partners could be mine, I'll not choose one to love, A priest's embrace may raise me up, He'll claim it was not me. ... No gent are you, you'll surely ask, My age before you flirt, To kiss your lips would be divine, Though soon, you'll knock me back. ... Seducers use me all the time, Their eyes upon another, Some say they're gents, but post a roll, In gutter, I am thrown. ... Even with legs, I will not run, I'll stand on one alone, I may reveal the words of truth, No secret will I say. ... What am I?
Answer: Wine
Riddle: Who hates girls, but loves walls?
Answer: Donald Trump.
Riddle: A story was recently reported by a non-newspaper periodical concerning a residential invasion committed by a man and a woman. The couple was observed to be wearing blue jeans, work gloves, and straw hats as they carried out their dirty deed. These two perpetrators reportedly entered the residence (which was surrounded by a protective fence), pulled the inhabitants from their beds, and then carried them away. To protect these innocents, only the nicknames of the victims were listed in the article. The nicknames given were as follows: Bea, Tom, Gus, Elery, Cab, and Kale. No one ever called the police to report these events, even though several of the neighbors were aware of it, and the incident was never covered by any TV or radio station. In fact, when all of the neighbors learned of this occurrence, they warmly congratulated the couple who had performed this deed. How callous these neighbors must be. Have they no hearts or compassion; or is there some less sinister explanation for the events described above?
Answer: The nicknames of the victims were Bea (beans), Tom (tomatoes), Gus (asparagus), Elery (celery), Cab (cabbage), and Kale (kale). The perpetrators were a couple who were harvesting vegetables from their garden.
Riddle: My brother has always been the adventurous type. Unlike me, a high ranking government official, my dear brother avoids politics whenever possible, choosing to pursue more dangerous interests. In fact, my brother has many enemies ----- enemies who have tried to kill him by gun, knife, drowning, poison dart, strangulation, and by trying to infect him with a deadly disease. His life has been threatened by a vicious killer dog, a deadly poisonous snake, and a very large rat. To top it all off, my brother is a drug addict. Even his partner, who has some medical knowledge, has been unsuccessful in freeing him from this addiction. So, with all of this information, can you state my name and the name of my brother?
Answer: My name is Mycroft Holmes, and the name of my celebrated brother is Sherlock.
Riddle: There was a boy named Bob. Bob really loved apples. One time, he took a basket full of apples and ran to his house behind the owner of the apples. The owner saw Bob running back to his house and didn't ran after. Why?
Answer: The basket of apples are free.
Riddle: If someone were to write a biography about us, the following could be reported: #1 - A golfer faces many of us when playing 18 holes. #2 - we are frequently served with fish. #3 - On T. V., from 1977 to 1983, we enforced the law --- but only in California. #4 - Some of us have ridges, but we are not associated with mountain ranges. #5 - Gamblers love getting their hands on us as often as possible. Based on the biographical information above --- Who/what are we?
Answer: The biography of Chips.
Riddle: I Look peaceful and lovely without, Yet dangerous and harmful within; The flies come around me, for I am colorful and beautiful; But none dares to touch me; For if any does touch me, I make an end of life for such; for I'll will feed on it. What am I?
Answer: I am the sundew flower.
Riddle: I am served at a table, In gatherings of two or four. Served small, white and round. You'll love some, And that's part of the fun. What am I?
Answer: Ping-pong balls.
Riddle: In fair Verona, love's tale is told, A pair of star-crossed souls, brave and bold. Their families' feud, a bitter strife, Yet love blooms amidst the deadly strife. This tragic hero, youthful and true, His heart ablaze, his love so new. He serenades his Juliet fair, Their passion burns, a love so rare. Though fate conspires against their bliss, In death, their love will forever persist. Which Shakespearean character doth this describe, Whose name lives on, as love's eternal bribe?
Answer: Romeo.