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"Blue" Riddles - Next 10 of 61.

Riddle: Violet, indigo, blue and green, yellow, orange, and red; are the colors you have seen after the storm has fled. What am I?
Answer: I am a Rainbow.
Riddle: What is red and smells like blue paint?
Answer: Red paint.
Riddle: I am seen in the water and seen in the sky, I am in the rainbow, a jay's feather, and lapis lazuli. What am I?
Answer: The color blue.
Riddle: Can you complete each list? 1. Red, White, and 2. Stop, Look, and 3. Sun, Moon, and 4. Ready, Set, ? 5. Readin', writin', and  
Answer: 1. Blue 2 Listen 3. Stars 4. Go 5. 'Rithmetic
Riddle: What do you get when you toss a copper penny and a quarter into the blue sea?
Answer: Less money.
Riddle: One day, a scientist was down in his personal lab. It was around 11 o'clock. He was working late on poisons and their antidotes. He was hungry, so he went to get a snack. Suddenly, he found himself tied to a chair. There was a nasty looking robber in front of him. The robber had his wife. He said that,' I will only leave you and your wife if you feed her 1 whole teaspoon a poison of your choice, if you don't, then I will kill you both'. The scientist fed his wife an entire teaspoon of a type of poison from his lab, but the wife did not die, how? There were blue, red, white, green, yellow, and pink colored poisons in his lab. All of them were deadly. Which one did the scientist choose?
Answer: The white one, since sugar is known as 'White Poison'.
Riddle: What is whiter than the first snow, redder than the blood of the righteous, greener than the spring grass, bluer than a cloudless sky?
Answer: Light. These objects have different colors. But they differ from the standard, which is contained in the light spectrum.
Riddle: At a local bar, three friends, Mr. Green, Mr. Red and Mr. Blue, were having a drink. One man was wearing a red suit; one a green suit; and the other a blue suit. "Have you noticed," said the man the blue suit, "that although our suits have colors corresponding to our names, not one of us is wearing a suit that matches our own names?" Mr. Red looked at the other two and said, "You're absolutely correct." What color suit is each man wearing?
Answer: Since none of the men are wearing the color of suit that corresponds to their names, and Mr. Red was replying to the man in the blue suit, it had to be Mr. Green to whom he replied. We then know that Mr. Green is wearing a blue suit. Therefore, Mr. Red is wearing a green suit and Mr. Blue is wearing a red suit.
Riddle: I'm blue at day and black at night; I do contain some creatures born and died. What am I?
Answer: Sea water.
Riddle: I have three arrows, but I don't have a bow. I am often blue, but always green. You give to me knowingly, and I return your gifts in secret. What am I?
Answer: A recycling bin.