Moroyei Bayelsa Ebiakpo

Riddle Count: 156
Riddle: What word of three letters sounds the same as its first letter?
Answer: Pea. Others may be accepted.
The Word 4 Riddle Meme.
The Word 4 Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Not everyone can do it, but you can do it; I can also do it. You love doing it, I also love doing it. Even now, you're doing it. What is it?
Answer: Reading!
You Love It! I Love It! Riddle Meme.
You Love It! I Love It! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Where can you see tea but can't drink?
Answer: In the English Alphabet
You see but can't drink Riddle Meme.
You see but can't drink Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: BY saw a picture of himself and a girl. Looking at the picture, he said, "I have only one sister but no brother, and this girl is my mother in-law's only daughter's father in-law's daughter's only brother's sister's sister in-law''. Who is the girl to him?
Answer: His wife.
Who is she? Riddle Meme.
Who is she? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Peter and I are young ones of Orus. If Orus is the father of Peter but I am not the son of Orus. How related am I to Orus?
Answer: Answer: His Daughter Explanation : Orus has two children Peter and I, if Peter is his son, I must be his daughter.
Blood Relation 1 Riddle Meme.
Blood Relation 1 Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: Bring the bee; bring an eye; bring also tea; put them in order and put a sea before them. But, you takes the second position before the bee. What you have now is just a unit of length. What am I?
Answer: Sea=C; You=U; bee=B; eye=I;Tea=T. So I am CUBIT.
Bring the bee; bring an eye; bring also tea; put them in order and put a sea before them Riddle Meme.
Bring the bee; bring an eye; bring also tea; put them in order and put a sea before them Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: My last five letters refer to a raised line on the surface of something; my whole refer to a thin tube containing ink inside a pen. My first three & four letters both refer to vehicles. I am a word of nine letters. What Word am I?
Answer: A Cartridge.
Riddle: A science student solves a problem using a scientific method. What method should an arts student use?
Answer: Artificial method!
A science student solves a problem using a scientific method. What method should an arts student use? Riddle Meme.
A science student solves a problem using a scientific method. What method should an arts student use? Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: What country exists if and only if there is no food?
Answer: The country HUNGARY (hungry).
A Country! Riddle Meme.
A Country! Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.
Riddle: I can run faster than anyone. No matter how fast you run, I'll overtake you. No one can hide from me, what am I?
Answer: Death.
The best runner Riddle Meme.
The best runner Riddle Meme with riddle and answer link.