Fart Riddles - Riddles.com

  1. When set loose I fly away, Never so cursed as when I go astray. What am I?
  2. What came out from ONE hole and goes in to TWO holes?
  3. Why do they not allow you to fart in an Apple Store?
  4. What is the sharpest thing in the world?
  5. Sometimes I am born in silence, Other times, no. I am unseen, But I make my presence known. In time, I fade without a trace. I harm no one, but I am unpopular with all. What am I?

Answers: Fart Riddles Quiz

  1. A fart.
  2. Farts.
  3. Because They don't have Windows.
  4. A fart, it can go through your clothes without making a hole!
  5. A fart.
  1. A fart.
  2. Farts.
  3. Because They don't have Windows.
  4. A fart, it can go through your clothes without making a hole!
  5. A fart.