Riddle: What is a pumpkin's favorite type of shoes to wear?
Answer: Pumps! Get (pump)kin.
Riddle: I can come in many forms, pictures, sentences, and even more. I'm easy to some and hard to many. What am I?
Answer: A Riddle.
Riddle: June's mom has 12 children: January, February, March, April, May, July, August, September, October, November, and December. Who is the 12th child?
Answer: It's June!
Easy Riddles
Riddle: What comes out in the presence of life, but fades away when light is shone on it?
Answer: Shadow.
Riddle: A boat capsized there are no survivors and there are only 20 people on the boat but 24 heads are in the water. How is this possible?
Answer: Easy twenty foreheads.
Easy Riddles
Riddle: What has holes but can still hold water?
Answer: An easy one!? The answer is SPONGE! Isn't that easy, my friend?
Riddle: Many different types of my last seven letters can be found in newspapers, magazines, & journals. Physicists have built devices to get me moving very fast. What am I?
Answer: Particles!
Easy Riddles
Riddle: I am colorless, weightless, and all around you. Having me makes it easy to live, seeing me is impossible to do. What am I?
Answer: Oxygen.
Riddle: Two fathers and two sons are in a car, yet there are only three people in the car. Who are the three people?
Answer: Grandfather, father, and son.
Riddle: When is a door not a door?
Answer: When it is ajar.
Riddle: My family is known to be crazy; I'm good when I'm alone and when spread I am amazing; It's a matter of taste; I'm good for your health, bad for your waist. What am I?
Answer: Peanut
Riddle: My first half is a container and I am language understood by few if any. What am I?
Answer: Jargon.
Riddle: What grows down as it grows up?
Answer: A goose.
Riddle: A man had 12 sheep. All but 9 died. How many sheep did he have left?
Answer: Nine.
Riddle: What falls and rises but never moves?
Answer: A stockmarket.
Riddle: Donny was driving his semi under an overpass when suddenly he came to a screeching halt. Donny wasn't paying enough attention and inadvertently drove under the overpass that was just barely as high as his truck. The semi was wedged so tightly that he could not go forward or backward. A fellow trucker came by and told him how he could easily get the semi out from under the bridge. What did he suggest?
Answer: He told Don to let some air out of his tires. This would make the truck lower and allow him to pass through.
Riddle: There is 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in a hour, how many seconds are in a race?
Answer: 1. In a race, only 1 person can get second place.
Riddle: I come across as flat, But theirs more to me than my surface; You climb my moutains from top to bottom, And fall from bottom to top. What am I?
Answer: Ocean
Riddle: What is easy to get into, but hard to get out of?
Answer: Trouble.
Riddle: What are three things that have eyes, yet can't see?
Answer: Needle, storm and  potato.