Riddle: Something very extraordinary happened on the 6th of May, 1978 at 12:34 a.m. What was it?
Answer: At that moment, the time and day could be written as: 12:34, 5/6/78.
Riddle: Take two numbers, such that the square of the first, plus the square of the second, shall equal 8; while the first, plus the product of the first and second, shall equal 6. What are the two numbers?
Answer: 2 and 2.
Riddle: I have a head body and arm but no blood. I have eyes but can't see a nose but can't smell. I have a stage but haven't seen anyone perform. I have arms but can not carry anything you see things with me but you can't see what I am made of. What am I?
Answer: A microscope.
Difficult Riddles
Riddle: What lies at the bottom of the sea and shivers?
Answer: A nervous wreck.
Riddle: I am everything. I am nothing. I can make you tremble in fear or make your sadness disappear. I've been with you since you arrived and I will be with you at the moment you die. We've known each other for our entire lives. I know you but you create me. What am I?
Answer: Just a thought.
Difficult Riddles
Riddle: I'm fatherless and motherless and born without sin. Roaring when entering the world, I never speak again. What am I?
Answer: Thunder.
Riddle: What do the following words have in common? Vermont, Statuesque, Swedish, Arthur's, Africa, Sensation, Misunderstood?
Answer: They each contain an abbreviation of a day of the week. verMONt, staTUESque, sWEDish, arTHUR’S, aFRIca, senSATion, miSUNderstood.
Difficult Riddles
Riddle: On my own, I am darkness, a black abyss. But, Life brings me light with its gentle kiss. I am quiet and cold, but warmth I can hold. Alongside beauties and wonders, sights to be told. My surface may be bare, this I'm aware. But, beautiful secrets I am eager to share. My mouth so large, I swallow you whole. To be in my belly is your goal. What may lie within can drive men to sin. Greed and desire, gluttony's kin. For some, I am fear. For others, hope. My perception shaped from life's scope. From the earth I have come, and forever will stay, even if parts of me crumble away. What am I?
Answer: A cave.
Riddle: Joe and Sally were sitting in their family room one night. While Joe was watching T.V, his wife Sally was reading. All of a sudden the power went out and Joe decided to go to bed, but Sally kept on reading. With no use of artificial light, Sally kept on reading. How?
Answer: Sally was blind, she was reading a book by Braille.
Riddle: Without a bridle, or a saddle, across a thing I ride a-straddle. And those I ride, by help of me, though almost blind, are made to see. What am I?
Answer: Eye glasses.
Riddle: Six glasses are in a row. The first three are filled with milk, and the last three are empty. By moving only one glass, can you arrange them so that the full and the empty glasses alternate?
Answer: Pick up the second glass and pour the milk into the fifth glass and then put it back in the second position.
Riddle: Within, I clean all that is bad and old. I make juice that's the color of gold. Should I die, a filter machine would you need to assemble to replace me, and a bean I resemble... What am I?
Answer: A kidney.
Riddle: There are 3 light bulbs in three separate rooms. in front of you, there is a panel with 3 separate switches. They only turn on or off. You may look inside each room only once. How can you tell which bulb belongs to which switch?
Answer: You turn on any two switches, leave them for a few minutes, and turn one switch off. You enter each room only once. you know that the lightbulb that is lit belongs to the switch that was left on, the bulb that is off, but hot, belongs to the switch you turned off, and the cold bulb belongs to the switch you never touched.
Riddle: My tongue is long, my breath is strong, And yet I breed no strife; My voice you hear both far and near, And yet I have no life. What am I?
Answer: A bell.
Riddle: While exploring the wilds of Canada, Wild Man Dave was captured by hostile wood fairies. Brad, the powerful chief of the fairies told him he could make one final statement that would determine how he would die. If the statement he made was false, he would be boiled in water. If the statement were true, he would be fried in oil. Wild Man Dave found neither of these options to his liking, so he made a statement that got him out of this seemingly impossible situation. What is the one statement he could have made?
Answer: Wild Man Dave said: "You will boil me in water." The fairies were faced with a dilemma. If they boil him in water, that would make his statement true, which means he should have been fried in oil. They can only fry him in oil if he makes a true statement, but if they do, it would make his final statement false. The fairies had no way our of their situation so they were forced to set Wild Man Dave free.
Riddle: One day an alchemist brought a king a bottle holding a strange liquid. The alchemist said, "This liquid I discovered will dissolve anything it touches." How did the king know that he was lying?
Answer: The king knew if what he said was true the bottle would get dissolved!
Riddle: I'm done to the chief, And to the king too; A liquid formed to stone, I can hit and hurt you. What am I?
Answer: Hail.
Riddle: If boiling water is poured into a thick drinking glass as well as a very thin wine glass. Which of the two is more likely to crack?
Answer: The thick glass is more likely to crack since glass is a poor conductor of heat. In a thin glass, the heat passes more quickly from the glass into the surrounding air, causing the glass to expand equally. When hot water is poured into a thick glass, the inner surface expands, but the outer surface does not. It is this extreme stress on the glass that causes it to crack.
Riddle: The day before yesterday, Chris was 7 years old. Next year, she'll turn 10. How is this possible?
Answer: Today is Jan. 1st. Yesterday, December 31, was Chris's 8th birthday. On December 30, she was still 7. This year she will turn 9, and next year, she'll turn 10.
Riddle: White bird, featherless, flyin' out o' paradise, flyin' over sea and land, dyin' in my hand. What is it?
Answer: A snowflake!