Usually Seen Through Clouded Eyes Riddle

Author: Anonymous
8 years ago

Riddle: I have freedom from hate, but not from lies. I'm usually seen through clouded eyes. I come unexpected, though you wait for me all your life. I can't be brought yet some people try. What am I?
Answer: I am true love.
I have freedom from hate, but not from lies. I'm usually seen through clouded eyes. I come unexpected, though you wait for me all your life. I can't be brought yet some people try. 
What am I?
Usually seen through clouded eyes riddle by Anonymous v1.

Riddle: I have freedom from hate, but not from lies. I'm usually seen through clouded eyes. I come unexpected, though you wait for me all your life. I can't be brought yet some people try. 
What am I? Answer: I am true love.
by Anonymous v2.