At The End Of A Rope

Author: drageye hyio
5 years ago

Riddle: Two robbers hung Rob over some very sharp rocks by a rope. Then they cut the rope and he fell down and was torn in pieces by the jagged rocks. The next day, Rob was found alive and unhurt, without a scratch, or a scab on his body. How is this possible?
Answer: The Robbers didn't hang Rob himself, they just hung a piece of paper that said Rob From the rope.
Two robbers hung Rob over some very sharp rocks by a rope. Then they cut the rope and he fell down and was torn in pieces by the jagged rocks. The next day, Rob was found alive and unhurt, without a scratch, or a scab on his body. How is this possible?
At the end of a rope by drageye hyio v1.

Riddle: Two robbers hung Rob over some very sharp rocks by a rope. Then they cut the rope and he fell down and was torn in pieces by the jagged rocks. The next day, Rob was found alive and unhurt, without a scratch, or a scab on his body. How is this possible? Answer: The Robbers didn't hang Rob himself, they just hung a piece of paper that said Rob From the rope.
by drageye hyio v2.