What Is This

Author: Vanika Goyal
3 years ago

Riddle: It comes from one of the couples. It stays there for a few years and then it grows and dies again. What is it?
Answer: A baby-because it comes from its mother not father and after a few years it grows and then when its old it dies.
Source: https://www.riddles.com/9835
It comes from one of the couples. It stays there for a few years and then it grows and dies again. What is it?
What Is This by Vanika Goyal v1.

Riddle: It comes from one of the couples. It stays there for a few years and then it grows and dies again. What is it? Answer: A baby-because it comes from its mother not father and after a few years it grows and then when its old it dies.
by Vanika Goyal v2.