Which Arested Development Character Said It?

Author: Avi Latner
4 years ago

Riddle: "Great so now we don't have a car or a jet. Why don't we just take an ad out in "I'm Poor Magazine"?

The riddle "Which Arested Development character said it? " is unanswered. Do you know the answer? If so, add your answer in the comments section below.

Source: https://www.riddles.com/8082
"Great so now we don't have a car or a jet. Why don't we just take an ad out in "I'm Poor Magazine"?
Which Arested Development character said it? by Avi Latner v1.

Riddle: "Great so now we don't have a car or a jet. Why don't we just take an ad out in "I'm Poor Magazine"? Answer: Ramu
by Avi Latner v2.