Monkey, Monkey, Other Monkey Too!

Author: Angela Ding
4 years ago

Riddle: A monkey was sitting on a tree. Then he jumped off. The second monkey jumped too. Then the third monkey jumps with the others. Why did the third monkey jump and the second monkey jump?
Answer: The second monkey jumped because he was holding onto the first monkey's tail, and the third monkey jumped because he saw the other monkeys and thought it was fashion.
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A monkey was sitting on a tree. Then he jumped off. The second monkey jumped too. Then the third monkey jumps with the others. Why did the third monkey jump and the second monkey jump?
Monkey, Monkey, other Monkey too! by Angela Ding v1.

Riddle: A monkey was sitting on a tree. Then he jumped off. The second monkey jumped too. Then the third monkey jumps with the others. Why did the third monkey jump and the second monkey jump? Answer: The second monkey jumped because he was holding onto the first monkey's tail, and the third monkey jumped because he saw the other monkeys and thought it was fashion.
by Angela Ding v2.