The Pelican

Author: AnimalLover
5 years ago

Riddle: On an island there was a man, woman and a friend. The woman died a day later. The friend had made dinner and the man ate it. He desired more and more and asked the friend what it was. the friend said that it was pelican. That night they were rescued and when the man got back he ordered a pelican. When he tasted it he had ran out and jumped off a bridge why?
Answer: The pelican didn't taste the same so he realized he had ate his wife.
On an island there was a man, woman and a friend. The woman died a day later. The friend had made dinner and the man ate it. He desired more and more and asked the friend what it was. the friend said that it was pelican. That night they were rescued and when the man got back he ordered a pelican. When he tasted it he had ran out and jumped off a bridge why?
the pelican by AnimalLover v1.

Riddle: On an island there was a man, woman and a friend. The woman died a day later. The friend had made dinner and the man ate it. He desired more and more and asked the friend what it was. the friend said that it was pelican. That night they were rescued and when the man got back he ordered a pelican. When he tasted it he had ran out and jumped off a bridge why? Answer: The pelican didn't taste the same so he realized he had ate his wife.
by AnimalLover v2.